How can I skip period?

I HATE my period. It totally interferes near my life, I return with such bad cramps I would stay home from work/school if I could and I can't run during sports practice, much smaller number function normally. Is here a way I can skip period, or possibly have none at adjectives? I've heard roughly speaking the Pill method, but I'm not sure if I might get cramps near that too?


Is it PMS or early pregnancy?

The pill will remove the colour things up, help near the cramps and regulate exactly when you get it. That is the one and only way I am aware of. It won't product the discomfort or inconvenience go away completely, but it will back.
It's part of natural life.

Which should I use.?

there's a pill to skip periods, u lone get it four times a year

Height problem!?

get preggos

Do i own some kind of cancer?

ask a doctory, im sure near is a pill for it like birth control.

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i doubt if u can skip smoothly without mar.

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The first point you need to do is find out why your cramps are so desperate so go see a doc. The doc will serve you figure out the best entry to do for your periods.

Plan B Questions?

Stop ingestion. Run for 10 hours a day. Look at yourself and notify yourself you're never skinny enough.

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Yep, try out the pill. Seasonale, I believe, gives you a time only 4 times a year, so that may be an selection, or just lug them every month and you won't worry roughly a period until you stop taking them. Keep in mind though, if you purloin them for extended periods of time, it can end in period problems next on. Such as it won't start for months after you stop taking the pill.

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Get a birth control that have continous "active" pills so you never or rarely carry your period. I use this one call seasonique with 3 full months of stirring pills and my life have greatly improved!

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You'll other get cramps, adjectives of us women hate it to. I travel through the same things. The pill help with the cramps so much, trust me try Yasmin, it be a good birth control pill and I didn't experience any side effects.

LADIES! plz relief me! its vital!! plz!?

See a Doctor, it could be flushed out! but I don't know how it works.

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There are pills out immediately that make it possible for you to hold only 4 period a year. Ask your OB/GYN about them as you'll requirement a prescription.

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There are several forms of birth control that can make you individual have 4 period a year. Go to a gynecologist, make sure that the cramps etc. are not a sign of a more serious problem and bring back on the right birth control for you. You will be happy you did! Good luck!

Risk of tss?

thats really ur one and only option at this point in time in attendance is a pill that lets u seize 4 periods a year and 1 that stops it adjectives together...but theres a chance that u might achieve cramps. so just cooperate it over with ur dr and see what he recommend

I came sour my pill at the end of April..?

I've hear that if you lose weight (ie, become anorexic) your spell stops, because you can't really have little babies when your thin. don't know if this is the best way to run though.

Its either that, or draw from pregnant. that's the natural channel, I guess.

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you dont carry cramps with the on it for irregular period, and i dont have any symptoms. Just speak to your doctor (and if you dont want your parents to know, they dont have to) ya, only just talk to your doctor


not in need ruining your chances of have a baby. that pill that enjoy has some serious possible side effects close to stroke, heart- attack, and blood clots. scary stuff! next there's other having your uterus takin out when your weak, but not to be gross, but that ruins your umm... drive. and you still won't be able to enjoy a baby.

so you'll simply have to drug yourself up beside pamprin like the rest of us. lol.

Im 15 years aged and have never used a tampon?

You can ask your doctor in the region of seasonale. It is taken about three or four times a year. You one and only have three or four period a year. But consult your doc first.

Started birth control two months ago and still feeling strange.?

Extreme shipment training or some kind of physical training close to distance running. It has to be close to preparing for the olympics kind of training. I've be told it increases a certain type of hormone which turns your menstual cycle past its sell-by date.

Period and Swimming?


IUD and having period every 2 weeksanyone have answers?

It's really seedy to completely STOP your period but in that are ways to lesson it. I know my friends are always recitation me that they dont take the finishing week of pills in their birth control every month because they are merely sugar pills and cause you to enjoy your period, and i guess that works for them. But i would a moment ago rough out the week of pain to some extent than having strength risks later on. Try midol, it works for me.

Friend's sister's term problem?

You could talk to your OB/GYN almost certain birth control pills on the souk today that can eliminate your term all together. However, I query how healthy that is to say.

I don't like my spell either, no women looks forward to their look in from aunt flo each month. It is relatively a nuisance. But I look at my attractive baby girl and grain blessed that my body was competent to make the wonderful little creature and paying the price of a time every month is nothing compared to have her in my energy.

Someday you will see that. Take care.

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not a healthy entity to do..periods are commonplace for a girl to have .. its unsophisticatedly releasing the eggs that form every 28ish days..

u could do steriods.. but its dangerous.. ask ur doctor. he or she might administer u something that can ease the suffering

What is menopause?

There is a birth control pill call Seasonale that only allows your body to hold 4 periods a year. It also help with cramps a great deal!! The only scientific way to not every hold your period is to own a hysterectomy or become pregnane or go through menopause. I wouldn't suggest any.

It's been 3 months?

If your symptoms are hugely severe such as heavy bleed and excessive cramps and lower posterior pain, later I suggest you talk to your doctor in the region of medication that can control the symptoms. You can skip you periods if you are overly involved in a sport, or if you do not means of access enough. If you skip your time too many times it is not tough for you. There are surgeries that can stop you periods, but that wouldn't allow you to hold children.

I just get pregnant, my breasts are HUGE! What can I do?

I have an IUD--intrauterine device--it's a form of birth control. I enjoy had it for 2 1/2 years and hold not had any problems at adjectives. The absolute BEST side effect of me have an IUD is that my periods enjoy gone from what's considered "normal" (as far as # days and heaviness of flow) to literally no extent at all. Go to any store that carry feminine products and look at how thick a Kotex Lightdays liner is. They come in small green or blue boxes, usually near flowers on the box. It is an extremely paper-thin liner, but it is more than enough for me on my heaviest morning. One of those liners could confidently last me adjectives day.

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There is a pill that be just released that eliminate your period, or you can curtail them. For me, going on the once a month pill really helped my craps. Talk to a gyno, they can backing you more than anything. the Depo shot eliminates them as capably. Good Luck, it sucks being a girl sometimes.

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Well I deduce that you should start by trying over the counter pain relievers such as Midol or Pamprin. Try the steam patches too they comfort give you much milder twinge!
Sounds like your still contained by school(Under 18) talk to your mom or your doctor. If your considering the pill yes your time will be less striking and cramps are way easier if you hold any at all!
I have this exact same thing when I be in my teens and they did agree on to put me on the pill even though I was not sexually influential! There are tons of different pills out there your Dr. will wish which is right for you.
They also have prescription's that backing with cramps. But try the over the counter stuff first! Good luck!

About breasts?

People habitually find that their cramps are a lot smaller number nasty when they are on the pill - it shortens and lightens the length for many women.

If you clutch the pill designed to give you smaller quantity periods, (only 4 per year) later you won't have cramps unless it is the time for you term. There is also a pill available called Lybril that vehicle you don't have period at all. You should discuss it next to your doctor.

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