Do i have some description of cancer?

ok i play summer basketball and sometimes i dont hustle down the court and my forehead gets relly hot and iturn read and sweaty, my mom say if i dont have satisfactory energy, that could be a sign of cancer. i consistency fine in the day. and + i parley in my sleep my sister said, is nearby a way to prevent that? that might be one of the reason im tired. HELP!



None of these r signs of cancer.
If ur a teenager & own just started 2 menstruate, ur body is undergo harmonal changes which could make happen all kind of symptoms. By the way, similar symptoms may appear if ur approaching 45 plus & heading towards menupause.I lug it that ur in ur teens, so merely ignore these .
If u drink 2 much dampen 2 quickly within the heat of a spectator sport, ur stomach may hurt.
Tell ur mom u dont have cancer & step on with ur life span.
Talking in sleep usually persists throughout & creature sharing ur room or ur bed gets used 2 it. I did.

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That is not a sign of cancer! Go and achieve a physical done. You may have sleep problems and that's why you have a feeling so tired. The episode on the b-ball court could of been dehydration, blood pressure problems, or basically was too much for your body to do.

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Lack of energy could be anything don't assume it is cancer, run to your GP and explain your symptons and get checked if you are that worried. Lack of heartiness could be an iron difficiency or not sleeping properly. Best to talk to the GP

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Wow, sweety, you don't enjoy cancer. Trust me. I think you may be in recent times a little out of condition. When you work out and put strain on your body you will be tired, and whatever you drink may engineer your stomach hurt a bit.

Talking in your sleep is not a cause for concern any.

Why am I having such a rock-hard time eating?

I'm not a doctor, but I cogitate what is happening to you is that your body is need more water. Drink plenty of river befor, during & after.

Period Q: mine's normally 5 days inc.spotting but this cycle it be only 2 days & no overcast blood only pinky red

If you are truly worried later tell your doctor. All it really medium is that you have a slow metabilisom, a fundamentally little energy. you DO NOT hold cancer. no tumor, no funky blood, no cancer...

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