It's be 3 months...?

I have not get my period within 3 months. I am NOT pregnant. I took 4 urine pregnancy tests and they adjectives came out refusal but I am worried that something else might be wrong with me. I hold a dr's appt on Thursday (next week) but could this be something really bad?


Anyone know what these little red spots on my obverse are?

Have you always be irregular? Or was this merely a random..not getting your spell?

I've had a similar problem...although I've have a history of irregular periods. I go on a progesterone medicine when I be younger and after taking that for a year, it became more "regular". I go on birth control when I got married...I a short time ago went rotten the pill this past December within hopes of becoming pregnant. I waited...and wait...never got a extent. Three negative pregnancy test later, I finally go into the doctor in the end of February. He run some blood tests and my hormones be a bit off since I hadn't ovulated.

He concluded up prescribing Prometrium...which is a progesterone. I took it for seven days and a few days after going off, my time of year came. This help kick my cycle hindmost into gear and I became pregnant the following month. (I'm immediately 12 weeks!)

Your period may not enjoy come for many reason. For me, it was as simple as a hormonal lack of correspondence. Your doctor should run a blood test...and that will enlighten you a lot.

Don't verbs about it one something really bad. I didn't seize my period for over six months one time.I freaked out...but it adjectives turned out just fine...which I'm sure it will for you.

I hope this help!!

Why do you think that condom use decline as men & women get elder?

what is your age?

Question about mirena iud?

It could be stress or if you hold lost a severe amount of weight or changed ur exercise routine. abundantly of that will mess things up a bit.

Birth Control?

Sometimes you're period will stop for a while due to stress or extreme weight loss or freight gain. Changes in your lifestyle such as those can have an affect, have anything of that sort happened to you?

Is it possible to ineradicably stop the menstrual cycle?

Ok stop worrying and let the doctor look at you and amount this one out. It could be anything. Do you exercise a lot and scrawny?This can cause your extent to stop suddenly, stress can cause this.

Please aid me my mother has aproblem on her chest?

mayb u of late pregnant.
take another pregnance oral exam

Septate Hymen?

depends on your age.

Lots of things can make you skip period:
1) there hold been small instances of women self pregnant and it not showing up in pee tests. You stipulation a qualitive beta (blood drawn pregnancy test) for starters.
2) premenopausal if old enough
3)birth control can motive this
4)stress can cause this
5)malnutrition can wreak this

Anyway- get to the doc.

Question going on for Pelvic/vaginal ultrasounds?

There can be lots of reasons for not have your period, depending on age, cargo, stress levels, drugs, and disease. It could be something impossible, so you were plainly right to make an appt. beside the Dr., but statistically, chances are that it's not too serious. Can't bring up to date you more without more info.

Any well brought-up ideas for loosing consignment with PCOS?

i would nickname back and read out that you are scared and that want to come in early.. they will miracuously have an exit for you when you say something close to that.

HI, I tried finding a site for this to be answered, but I couldnt. So im tryign here.?

no, don't worry you're probably irregular, possibly you've been beneath stress or excersizing a lot? it happen to me all the time

I'm contained by pain soooo bleak!!?

Are you on the pill, using birth control? If you are, that can effect your cycle. I hope that all go well, Good luck.

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