Will getting less than 5 hours sleep per darkness for a long period of time effect your vigour and how?

I am an Army wife of a deployed soldier, mother of two sons (6 & 3) one of whom is autistic, and a full time student. I am lucky if I get 4 hours of sleep respectively night. I be wondering if and how this could effect my health. Thanks!!


Help! Reoccuring BV?

Yes prolonged famine of sleep can lead you to fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic backache disorder that is certainly a form of dysautonomia. Dysautonomia is an imbalance within the nervous system that cause full body wide disorders. The body desires regular sleep to maintain match.


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Well, first of all, I commend you. You're a tough working mother of two while being a student and have your husband away. I cannot imagine what you're going through. God bless you!

As for the sleep. Having a paucity of sleep does take effect on your immune system. You open out yourself up to all sorts of things when your body doesn't attain at least 8 hours of sleep. It will, eventually, run a toll on you. Go to nannies4hire.com or nanny4hire.com (can't remember which link), see if you can find a nanny that's willing to live within with you to facilitate relieve some of your stress. I hope all works out resourcefully for you!!

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