Why do u gals laugh when guys farts loudly? Does it mena u( gals) doesn't fart at adjectives? do u hate smell ?nouns?


Wat tampon do you use ?

It is a natural phenomenon
it give tremendous relief who does it
and virtuous laugh to others who hear it

Need nurture back on Breast augmentation?

Errm. Farting is in recent times plain funny?

And no. Women don't fart, and when we do, it smells like cinammon buns.

Ok I took plan B on Monday and end night I have really bad stomach cramps and spotting whats that around?

the girls enjoy the nouns, and u enjoy the nouns and people who are little away will delight in the smell
happy farting

Sex irritation?

its jus funny dude
did u fart at the forefront of sm gal
i know u did...

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