Im worried that i enjoy cancer?

in my family we hold always hold excessive hair growth. i go to the doctor recently, and i'd originally gone because of acne. the acne calmed down dramatically, and i didnt hold to use products but would come back when i thread my obverse (to remove facial hair). the doctor noticed that i be very bushy and made me have a blood theory test and an ultra sound to see my ovaries. he found out that i hold an uneven hormone even for a girl, and that i have too much testosterene. he said i may enjoy polycystic ovaries. i'm really scared i wont be capable of have children, my mum have the same excessive coat problems and she still had children. is it possible i may hold ovary cancer? he said i should go on the pill and that it would grounds me to put on weight over 5 - 10 years. they said my ovaries looked faultlessly normal, so does that still show i may have cancer?

Is it True?!?!?!?

You inevitability to go hindmost to your doctor to get him to explain things to you. You may or may not own poly-cystic ovaries, but this doesn't mean that you enjoy cancer.

There is some useful info here.

Please don;t verbs too much, your doctor will explain it all to you. Good luck.

Im have this wierd discharge and im not sure why?

No. You do not have Cancer.

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it is very really unlikely you have anything fruitless like that

Why dont i seize off when i gain laid? do not have cancer.
Polycystic ovaries is especially common and can some times brand it harder to have children but not impossible.
I know a few family with it and they own children.
Don't worry in the region of cancer.
Ask your doctor to explain it in more detail to you.
The pill will help near symptoms.

Any doctors around? i had unprotected sex on May 26th, if I cart morning after today, will it be affective?

if youre very furry its obvious that youll hold excessive hair, it doesnt penny-pinching your going to get cancer hon, youre worrying over nil.
rediscuss this with your doctor and express your worries

Stretch marksugh?

i don't reckon it means you might hold cancer but you would be better asking ur doctor to be sure

by putting you on the pill it will increase the oestrogen in ur body therefore harmonizing out the testosterone and should therefore assistance with the excess spike problem

one of the things with polycystic ovaries is that you are smaller number fertile, however since your mum had children later you may be fine

here is a link near some info for you

I have stomach pains?

It sounds close to you have a righteous doctor who ordered the tests for you. He would not start you on birth control pills if he the slightest doubt that you hold cancer of the ovaries. Try to relax and trust your doctor to make the right choices for you.

Does anyone know anything roughly speaking a 1980's workout tape titled The Stanford or Stamford Workout, wife wishes it.

You must be so worried, but you mustn't be! First of all, your GP would be carrying out tests you immediately if he thought you have cancer.YOU DON'T

I believe you have an underactive throid. I have it too! It can give you excessive fleece, mood swings, all the skin and hormone problems you mentioned and it is smoothly recified with tablets. You can enjoy babies, and you will be 100% normal. I promise. the pill really help. I have be on it for years and look at my photo.I didn't put on a pound, in certainty I felt so much better I lost a stone minus trying.

Take care babe, cheer up, I promise you will be fine xx
Love Rose x

ps rather extra male hormone can protest you from feminine cancers resembling breast and it's not a bad entity at all!

Menopauseeek at 36! What should I expect:? How long permanent? How do I get rid of the excess freight? EEK!

Polysistic ovaries is not cancer and has no cooperation whatso ever to cancer so stop worrying, i have polysistic ovaries and own 5 healthy sons surrounded by fact I didnt even know I have it until I d had my third son I lone found out when my periods stopped for a while, stop worrying in the region of cancer and go out and relish yourself, if your doctor thought for 1 minute you had cancer he d be onto it!

So I'm on my interval and everyone at work is getting on my nerves?

Poly cystic ovaries have ill-fatedly become very extremely common contained by women today. If you spoke to friends and family you would probably be surprised to find that most associates know someone who has it. it isnt ovarian cancer. your doctor is the best soul to speak to about your fears- be completely open nearly what your thinking and he will answer you questions and spawn you feel more confident.

ive found that different folks have different symptoms- not everyone have all the adjectives symptoms. the most common human being excessive hair growth, individual overweight, painful period and some difficulty getting pregnant.

i have 3 friends who enjoy currently, or did have poly cystic ovaries. my first friend used to own excruciating period and ovulation misery, infact she would be doubled over in pain. she be put on a strong version of the pill, and also have some kind of gynae procedure done at some point (the details i cant remember) to try and alleviate her misery. she was told that she would most predictable need to use fertility treatment when she needed to have children..however...s... fell pregnant accidentally!! and infact is in the order of to give birth to her 3rd child. after the first babe-in-arms all her symptoms disappeared- no more throbbing periods or ovulation!!

my 2nd friend, never have any symptoms, but had alot of difficulty getting pregnant. eventually she be diagnosed with Polycystic ovaries, and be put on fertility treament .....and now have had 2 kids!

my 3rd friend who have polycystic ovaries has also be having some probs getting pregnant and is currently on IVF also.

So the positive report is that even with the polycystic ovaries, women still can enjoy children- i dont know what the stats are for this, but just from the 3 society i know, they appear pretty good!

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Please stop worrying - I am not a doctor but, you hold had a ultrasound that have shown nothing is untoward. Polycstic ovaries is not cancer and empire do have children next to this condition. Follow the advice given to you by your GP. The pill does not build everyone put on weight - it have never made me put on weight. Most citizens put on weight inherently over a period of 5 to 10 years - our bodies are other changing. Ovarian cancer is unusual - you should be totally reassured that you enjoy had a scan and your doctor have told you that your ovaries look perfectly usual. Relax

Can switching birth control medications interfere beside the menstrual cycle?

No you are not or rather tiniest likely to own cancer from your symptoms no i highly doubt

Why Did my wife miss out after having intercourse?

i deeply much doubt that..stop worrying

Why do my nipples get tough.?

nah - doesn't sound close to cancer. sounds like you adjectives your traits from your parents. you'll probably be just fine.


Please sustain?

Hi, i suffer with polycystic ovaries and i own a healthy little girl (4yrs) i still suffer near it now my closing period be 19 weeks ago and its all due to polycystic ovaries. Its not nice but dont supply up hope. I had a big cyst removed from my ovaries and for a couple of years things were fine, presently they think they are put money on, just carry regular check ups and try not to worry, if its designed to be it will.

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