LADIES! plz help me! its central!! plz!?

ok, i started my period today within school, and i didnt know abotu it. it usually isnt discouraging, but it was today. i didnt realize it, but it go through my pants, within science. and the teacher come and told me. smoe people thought i crapped my pant. and some people said i vanished a stain on the chair. What proposal can you give me for this? i am really not look forward to college tomorrow, and what can i say to folks? how did you handle it? (i handle it like it be no big deal and liek nothign happend) but im not sure anymore. I am SO feeling shame!

Menstruation.. help!?

This happen to everyone. It's something people will forget soon I hope. Just report to them the truth. If they can't handle it that's their juvenile behaviour not your problem. Next time just net sure you keep extra stuff contained by your purse just within case.

What is the right mass for?

Keep an extra pair of shorts contained by your locker or something when you're not sure. Hopefully, no one will mention it. Guys are lately scared to extermination and it's happened to every girl, so don't verbs about it, only be more prepared next time.

How Do I stop Depression When I'm PMS-ing?

The exact same entity happened to me. The subsequent day, I pretended nought ever happened. I suddenly forgot about it. That be 41 years ago.

Zinc to cure body odor?

well i don't see how you couldn't be aware of wet.
very well, next time features of be aware around the time that it comes.
bring extra pads or tampons surrounded by your backpack or purse.
&& be sure not to wear white pants on those days =]
hope i help.

What causes TSS?

Oh, I enjoy been through the embarassing "pant leaking" days. It sucks that we, women, hold to go through this. I regard you handled it correctly. These things come's part of duration. The other ladies in your class will soon find out. Laugh it rotten and say something resembling, "I guess that's what comes along with self a woman." They will get over it.

Women, do you ever orgasm from sex?

either deed like it didn't transpire and they will forget about it by subsequent year or make joke about it.

listen to these, it will assist:

Why is having sex near a girl on her period so messy?

Just smile and say-so "Mother Nature Rules." If people are going to confront you almost it, I'd hope it meant they thinking. If they act resembling they're just person nosy or stupid, fail to acknowledge them and walk away. Soon satisfactory, something else will distract them!

I think i am almost to start my period but i'm not sure?

dont discern embrassed it happends to alot of people. its happend to me. if poeple ask freshly say i sit in something. travel in to conservatory tomarrow lookin cofedent and proud ur a women (lol) and dont tell a littkle piece like that stop u and ruin ur duration.

best of luck

Bleeding After Sex?

I can relate to your situation. Things happen within life that sucks. I know its really degrading, but if you keep your commander up high and conduct yourself like it be no big deal, and preserve your cool, people might respect you for that and not read aloud anything. And if they do say anything, don't voice anything back, lately act close to you didn't hear what they said. Dont show your fear or humiliation because then thats when individuals try to get at you, so be confident, hang on to your head held soaring and be happy! Life can bring some crazy things but, duration is fun, enjoy it!

Is my skin dry?

Hun, this have happened to adjectives of us. Everyone does embarrassing stuff. I be a sign of, ha, the other day surrounded by school, my pant didn't zip adjectives the way, and everyone saw my g string, hahaha. Course adjectives the guys liked it so nought was said till a gf told me. Things come to pass, it's ok, just hold extra pads within your locker or book bag approaching I do, good luck, everything's going to be fine at academy.

I have a spring formal in give or take a few a month and would it be a good time presently to star salon tanning?

the positive answer i would say thank piety my period started for a minute at hand i thought i was pregnant, after all the boys would look at respectively other thinking who did it.

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