Bumps on my vagina?

I know this is not an STD, so we can exclude that. I have be a virgin until about 6 months ago, and hold had them since mode before consequently, so let me explain...
I own some white bumps they kind of look close to puss pockets in side the vagina. i enjoy a small one on the out side that reminds me of one of those moles that is barley connected to the skin, it have a white head and when i scratched it white stuff come out and then it started to bleed. the ones on the inside of the vagina are a great deal bigger and they are like thoes moles to. i hold not tryed to pop any of them or any thing similar to that. i have search every where and cant find any entry that is any piece like this please lend a hand!!

I cannot afford to see a gyno so if someone can tell me more or less this and how to treat it then that would be great. Thanks

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Dont stress. I bring these too. I have be to the gyno and he said to pop them without misgivings - they are only built up soap.

He advise me not to used soap 'down there' anymore. And if I must (because I dont touch clean otherwise) consequently to use a soap free wash.

Dont verbs too much. I'll bet if you 'pop' one and you smell the 'white stuff' then you find to be exact even still smells like soap!

I entail some advice around gyn?

Those are your lady lumps.

Pain in bladder!?

I would rescue some money and go to the gyno!

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ask doctor

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Why would you sleep next to someone when you have these bumps?

Don't be so sure it's not an STD. You can procure herpes from oral sex.

I dont know what tampons to use?

You dont have to see a obgyn at a doctors bureau but you can go to a robustness department. Some of the bumps could be infected hair folicles since you said they be so big.

Is size zero another form of masculine control of the female body?

Take some multi vitamin and hang on to it clean. If is doesn't do away within a week, see a doctor.

What grade do girls in general start puberty?

Well, easiest to hear scenario - maybe they're approaching razor bumps - exfoliate really resourcefully in the shower and capture some spray from the store to treat bikini bumps - noxema has an after-shaving spray, you might want to try that. But if that doesn't bring in it disappear go see a doc. But any issues down in that should be checked out by a doc.

Are girls supposed to shave the pubic area?

Personally, I'd fashion an appointment at my nearest Planned Parenthood office. They work on a sliding-scale, and if you hold little to no money they'll usually treat you without much cost at adjectives. Sounds like you've get yourself a nasty infection (non STD). Some general public are more prone to these than others. I'd definitely acquire it checked out.

Have any of you tried greer childers "shapely secrets" or oxycise?

you could have a vastly bad armour of yeast, sometimes it spreads to the skin as well i,d try some over the counter yeast cream if that dosen,t work or if you enjoy no money try the health dept. within your area its free to teens and you don,t enjoy to have your parents consent.

Why do I catch nauseated before my extent sometimes?

it depends! if you are shaving, I can totally explain it! when you shave you get ingrown hair very confidently down there, pop them and consent to them grow out and they will eventually go away, if your not shaving consequently simply see you doctor, you don't have to see a gyno, it'll be ok, promise, a moment ago relax and think nearly it before you start to hysterics

What is the best non hormonal birth control (pill)?

This could be something as simple as ingrown pubic hairs, especially if you shave "down at hand."

The bottom line here is that if you don't know for sure what it is afterwards you need to see a doctor. Call a "gyno" as you put it and let somebody know them up front you are short of money. Perhaps they can work out a payment plan next to you.

Another option you might hold would be to check with your city or county public condition service, they might be able to any help you directly or distribute you to someone who can work with your budget.

Good luck, I hope it's zilch serious.


Do u like to navigate or mortal navigated upon until that time dropping the anchor & why?

personally you need to see a doctor. because that nouns unusual to me and they will be able to clear it up better next some suggestions from people on the network.

Brown vaginal discharge?

I would definately go see a doctor, There are usually free clinics around. If you are have sex it's time to go to the gyno anyway. Condoms can't protect you from every STD nearby are some forms of HPV ( which can also cause cancer if gone untreated) that you can get even when you use a condom. Sometime you or your partner won't show any symptoms any. It best that you go bring yourself checked just incase it's other better to know that you are healthy. Good Luck!

Sagging breasts on a young girl- normal?

it could b pimples

I'm finally primed to speak about this?

maybe ingrown hair? happens more recurrently if you shave

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