I'm finally ready to speak something like this?

When I was 14, I be kidnapped by a man from Egypt. His heading was Saad Mohammed El Fayomy. He claimed to be a muslim, but near the knowledge I hold now I know his movements were not at adjectives islamic. Completely contrary. He held me against my will for 3 months and I could not escape. He locked me in and most things I still can not bring myself to say, but what I am around to release is one thing I haven't told anyone going on for. I just inevitability to get this out. Please detail me how to deal near this? I have taken a course contained by psychology, but that hasn't prepared me for my own issue here. I have "black outs" from that time term, and over the years these black areas get chock-full in. I'm remembering roaches, and of how I be almost killed a couple of times. It's given me a knotty day of dealing near these. Has anyone else been kidnap as a child? Did you keep it inside so long? I'm 23 very soon. Nobody knows the undamaged story. How do you deal next to lost memories returning?


Period pains?

yes sister i was, i be 7 in big accept mountain, the hole fam. i was near a fam. that was murderd. kill!, mother, boy friend, & 6 kids, from age 3 months, to 13 years, i was below the bed & seen them anyone killed by the father, & a friend!, i be the only one that get away! yes i steal see my little 7 year old girl friend as she be looking at me under the bed, as she be dieing. she was on the floor by the bed!, i could do nought, not even hold her hand!!sis the screems i steel hear after 44 years, are as genuine as it was that hours of darkness! you just hold to deal near it learn to not permit it take over your go! not let it controle you, or you will stir crazy,let it out do not hold it surrounded by tell ppl in the order of it!
i see that some ask where be your mom, & dad, you was 14, it be not your falt, or your mom or dads.
when my girl was 14 i could not hang on to up with her,she be always taking past its sell-by date on her bike.

Yeast infection? PLEAZ HELP!?

if you were kidnap...where be your parents for all this?

I call for to know why I feel approaching this!?!? HELP!!?

that must have be horrible...i think the one and only thing you could do is see a counsler...they cant detail anyone what you say..so its adjectives safe

Why do you return with back aching during your period?

if you are not already seeing a doctor you should. hold a journal, writting help because you get it out and not own to worry what the other character thinks etc.

Please relieve me ,my mother has a problem.?

i am once a trunk in psychology..contact a psychiatrist..catch some help..individual you and your psychiatrist can help yourself...

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I'm not man mean or judgmental at adjectives, but you really need to verbalize to a psychologist or psychiatrist about this. They are qualified how to help family deal near stressful events like yours. Don't try to treat yourself- it's well-mannered that you've got some insight from taking that psychology class, but you should manifestly see a psych doctor.
Good luck to you in getting through it.

Is near any way to prevent T.H.O? Help me out girls!?

I go through my own traumatic event from being raped and I go through alot of symptoms you are having. I tried this treatment call EMDR with my consultant and it really helped me beside the reoccurring memories and nightmares. It is like hypnosis but you are awake and you are completely aware of what is going on. They use this on ancestors who have suffered traumatic events and on period of war victims.
Ask your doctor/therapist about this. It would probably work well-mannered for you. It sounds like you suffer from PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in recent times like I do.

I would approaching info on Mirena and its side effects.?

don't your parents know about it?

If you wear tampons, what hole does it run in?

I'm glad you're at a place surrounded by your life where on earth you can speak about this. That's your mind's bearing of wanting to heal itself. Don't stir at this alone.

Is there a close friend of line member you can confide within? It isn't necessary to disclose every detail beside them, but let them know you necessitate their help and support getting through trauma. HOPEFULLY, that friend or clan member can guide you within the direction of some good professional counseling.

If you consistency you cannot bring yourself to reach out to loved ones but, please call RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network) at 1-800-656-HOPE. You can also pop in them online at http://www.rainn.org. You can talk to them 24/7. They hold been competent to help guide so abundant other women like yourself.

Considering your long-gone trauma, your black outs and memory problems may be due to PTSD. PTSD afflicts many victims of rape, period of war, and even kidnappings, like yourself. You can attain specialized treatment for PTSD, like EMDR. EMDR is great (as another answerer mentioned), but it take time, patience and BRAVERY to carry through. I wasn't as lucky with it.

I'm so sorry you be victim of such a horrible crim at souch a childish age. I hope you find peace again soon.

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