Brown vaginal discharge?

I had my interval almost 2 weeks ago but it was for a moment long. (2 light days extra) I am on birth control so they are regular. I notice when i peed that there be some brown goop on the toilet paper but havent notice it on my underwear. Is this something I should be worried about? I have sex a couple days ago...a couple times with my boyfriend but we've be doing that over a year now...would it variety a difference if the sex was rather rougher than normal? I'm worried nearly being pregnant or possibly a miscarage? I have have no pain what so ever within that region. should i worry?


Anyone enjoy any advice?

its what is call break through bleeding. sometimes it happens as a discharge or frothy blood flow. if it continues go to your doctor.

How far do you progress when your migrains are keeping you up at night?

Probably mid-cycle bleeding, but if it have a foul odor, you will want to be checked for some other cause.

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