What is a mammogram?


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An xray of a titty.

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a trial done for woman to see if they have breast cancer

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It is an imaging experiment done on the breast. They have to put respectively breast between flat plates and squeeze it as flat as possible to see if there are and abnormality in the tissue.
They will do a vertical squeeze and a horizontal squeeze on respectively one. It takes around 10 or 15 minutes . not real comfy, but it could salvage your life.

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This is the X-ray imaging of the breast. mammo=breast, and gramm=record.Mammography detects in the region of 85% to 90% of existing breast cancers.

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A mammogram is an x-ray taken of the breast to determine if at hand is abnormal tissue or indecorous growths (cysts, fibroids or tumors - benign or cancerous) within the breast.

High resolution x-ray imaging is taken of the breast, which is compressed between chalice plates, both from the side and from the top.

The process can be uncomfortable, but have regular mammography screenings has be proven to reduce the fatality rate of breast cancer. It is indubitably worth it.

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I own been a mammographer for 30 years.
A mammogram is an xray photo of the breast.
a great official website roughly mammograms is:

I don't know how specific you wanted your answer to be.

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