Is size nought another form of male control of the womanly body?


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Why the hell is it mens fault? don't women enjoy a mind of their own to use regarding how skinny they should or shouldnt be?

Personally I find skinny girls repulsive! If I looked-for to sleep with a skeleton, I wouldn't enjoy burried my grandma... badum tish

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how is it males fault?
most males do not find size not anything sexy.
size zero is just in the public eye because of females love of celebs and the celeb lifestyle and buyin/readin daft mags approaching cosmo and heat etc that promote size nought.

do not try and blame males.

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It just might be.

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No. It's SOCIETIES control of the female body.

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Another women's libber who can't or won't take the blame for her own fault, why do women like you blame men for your own miss givings, if you took the time to find out consequently you will know the vast majority of men can't stand skinny women. And for your information its the modelling agencies who insist on their models individual size zero, and most of them are run by....... linger for it....... WOMEN.

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if i be controlling the female body you would hold a 28-30inc butt,NAH just playing hollywood controls females body

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Do you really consider men like "size zero"? It may be something to detain the eye for a second or 2, not because it's attractive but cuz it's unique. Personally, I wouldn't want my girlfriend to be SOOOO skinny and brittle. The womanly body is beautiful by quality, size zero is a counter to that, and no, guys aren't responsible for this. It's the women who consistency insecure even if they are of the perfect size.

What's the point of size 0 anyway? Guys don't wanna be beside 2-dimensional girls. I prefer a little more automatic.

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How can size zero be our mistake? If you want to eat, munch through. Personally, I think women should hold curves. As long as you feel hygienic, without any restriction of movement, why verbs about what anyone else think? Your body will let you know when you enjoy too much weight. You can be contained by shape and still be large. I don't mull over men or women should just sit around though. that won't give support to anyone

Is it ok to go swimming near a very feathery period but it is simply there when u wipe beside nothing on?

Not men... Fashion mags are to blame.

Fashion general public are body fascists.

Always dictating how we should look and feel similar to.

I don't care what someone looks close to, it would be horrible to all look equal.

And people who are size nil are taking the piss out of people who are adjectives out there surrounded by the world. They can afford to eat, but do"we" hold to feel sorry for these celebs and here pathetic attempt at perfection... hell no!

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no its not men! most men and all my friends want women that enjoy meat on there bones, something to hold onto i personaly similar to women that r like size 10-16

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Do you be going to males who have an fashion with women human being a size 0? I'd say relatively possibly it's a control issue, it may also be that it makes them be aware of big and masculine, which is an instant ego boost.

Some psychologists believe that mostly speaking, men tend to project their insecurites on to females, focusing on women's flaws rather than their own, where on earth as women will do the exact opposite and turn their insecurites inwards, focusing on their own flaws and imperfection. So just picture the amount of pressure women are under, they are already insecure more or less themselves without any aid from anyone else and then lying on that you have men obsess and setting standards for how women should look and I am not just discussion about size 0, I'm chitchat generally.

Take trouble.

Ladies only is this usual?

I don't know about manly control. Look at it this way; in that must be some weird males surrounded by the developed world who yearn for remarkably thin and sometimes shaven women who look similar to schoolgirls. Or is it the women's choice and that only. From where on earth Iam standing it might be a bit of both.

A simple Q that needs answers?

It's a form of manly and female control. Women can be basically as critical as men about the bodies of other women.

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Size nil has come from the womens fad magazines and weeklies who at one vilify these women on one page and on the subsequent state how stylish they are. These are magazines primarily staffed with and read by women.

I would reccommend that women look at mens magazine such as FHM and NUTS and Zoo and see the photo's of women that men actually want to look at and find attractive; curvy women beside breasts and bums and everything inbetween.

Size zero is another form of extreme womanly competiveness and oneupmanship along with, getting the thinnest, most expensive handbag, bendyist position in yoga and such close to.

As a friend of mine once said "If I want ribs I'll go to the takeout!"

Any route to lighten my period?

Size Zero extreme competitiveness.Being slim alone donot make a being most wanted.It is the overall peronality and looks that make a woman Most Wanted.

I always get the impression light head and feel slightly.. what could be the cause?

Size 0 is attempt to appear detectable , its not mainly men's criticize, it is just a result of living in society such as this

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