Would Salvia Divinorum really abet me ?

I have have trouble sleeping so began taking everclear 95% near absinthe as a night bonnet. I now help yourself to 4 shots before bed and still hold trouble. The ceiling visitors come still but I cry for ages especially if I find poor little unconscious ones. Someone suggested that I try salvia divinorum. How does it come ? I don't want too smoke can it be injected with my insuln and will it really lend a hand . I also have blood presure and cholesterol and glaucoma.
Please advise
Rose P..........

Is it true that the pill stops your length?

ok Salvia is a herb people use as a 5-10 minute sour trip.... It can be really great or really bad. I really conjecture you should trust me on this. I have used it may of times and enjoy a lot of experience beside the herb field.
Salvia is not for insomia It will run you down to where on earth you can go to sleep but your thoughts will be traveling away from you. For the 5-10 minute "Trip" you will entail to be with some one or a group. DON'T DO IT ALONE. Now you don't want to do it alone because it will knock you of your rocker and you willdo something you regret. I enjoy Been around some people who tryed it because the be stressed out and were have sleeping problems. They took one hit of it and th e stat there for probably 10 minutes laughing within asses off over absolutly nought. Other people enjoy promised that they went to glory and everyone was turning into squares.
As for this individual injected.....I don't think so considering that it is chopped up leaves principally from mexico and it your probably kill you. The lone way is smokeing it. You can attain a vaporizer which I guess isn't smokeing.... All you need is one hit don't lift more unless you feel brave.

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