Ladies,do you suffer from blade burn when you shave your legs? :-(?

Hello Ladies:

I was wondering if anyone else suffers from blade burn when they shave their legs with a disposable blade? I have tried EVERY disposable blade out on the market and even the ones that voice that they are for sensitive skin,and everytime after I shave my legs,I get really discouraging razor burn,OWIE!! :-( I use heat water on my legs,cover with soap up with shaving cream and I still capture cuts on my leg even though I shave my legs as gently as possible!

The worst quantity is the razor burn on my legs because it hurts so unpromising,I can't even stand the sheets or blankets to touch my legs when I am ready to move about to bed at night,OWIE!! :-( I own tried the special lotions that are made for women after they shave their legs and the lotions make my legs have a feeling like they are burning even worse. I own tried waxing my legs too,and that hurt so unpromising,I thought I was going to die from the misery!! :-( Thank you for sharing any tips that you may have more or less dealing with cut-throat burn when you shave your legs!! ;-)

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Stop using disposable razors and switch to regular razor with disposable blades. I use the Gillette Sensor but I've hear lots of good things in the order of the Venus razor too. See if that make a difference. Also use plenty of shaving cream and don't press down real firm with the cut-throat.

It may be that you are allergic to the metal (if the issue continues). If you can't shave and waxing hurts too much, try a dipilatory similar to Neet or Nair.

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Try applying pure Aloe Vera Gel.

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you involve to use a better cream to calm it down after using it.

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i don't. i obtain razor burns when i shave my arm pits. you can try wax or hair removal creams instead of shaving.

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I have sensitive skin, so I strictly use creams similar to Nair and Sally Hansen.

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Thanks to God I do not own to shave them.I feel sorry for those that do.

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Yes, I do. I loathe it during the summer because it looks just as impossible as not shaving at all!

Can you answer??

I single get cut-throat burn if I'm shaving without gel. lol Which good health... never! (haha first time I ever shaved my legs was cuz I be bored and it was on dry skin... chat about OUCH) But I'll occasionally take rashes if read out, I shave the gel off but retouch up the nouns without reapplying more. A big no no. lol

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i use to but now i use gilettes sensitive skin shaving cream. works pretty moral. heres an idea, dont use disposables. they suck. thats your problem right here.

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No, not really but sometimes I endow with myself MEAN cuts in the put a bet on of my knees and that sh*t HURTS LIKE A M*THRF*CK*R!

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use "coochy" by Pure Romance, it is really good, can be used anywhere you want to shave!

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i used to own that problem, i tried the venus brand and use the shaving cream that comes in the kits...u can shave everywhere short nicks, cuts or dry skin...agree to me know if ya try it...good luck!!

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hmm... you knwow head covering? i dont know.. i would say to use close to.. venus razors and soap.. thats what i use..? hmm... idk..? tricky..

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I normally wax unless I'm close to on vacation or something so afterwards I use Venus Divine (the darker blue one) and instead of using shaving cream I use hackle conditioner. Shave really slowly and it should help prevent the nick and razor burn. You should also try the Aveeno Skin Relief Lotion (it have menthol and helps relaxed and cool your skin). Hope this helps.

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If you save to invest in an electric cut-throat you will have much better opinion legs

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Yes, I do. The best thing I hold found to do is use a moisturizing shaving cream. Just a tad bit more expensive but worth it. And also Eucerin Calming Creme after shaving.
Good luck! I know how aggravating it is.

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I am right there near you. After I'd shave my legs I had to sleep next to no blanket over me. What works for me is to shave in the hip bath. Sit in a hot tub with your legs soaking for a while since you lather up and shave. Make sure you use a modern disposable razor or one that hasn't be used more than ... i'd say 3 times because my legs are so sensitive. Cut your strokes surrounded by half (meaning hose the razor sour every half stroke) so that course you don't have to budge over it again. Then there is the leg-saving product that my brother recommended to me. It's call TendSkin. It doesn't smell too great but it will prevent razor burn/razor bumps/ingrown hair. Make sure you keep your legs moisturized, not only just after you shave but all sunshine because razor burn is worse on dry skin. I hope this help for you.

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Wow, sounds resembling you have tried everything I could conjecture of. The only item I can say is conceivably shaving isn't for you! Perhaps try and electric shaver, I kno it isn't the smoothest result but at least you kcan't see the hair or maybe try wax?



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I am very sensitive to adjectives disposable razors. I own been using Intuitition for former times 6 months. I found that I use about 4-6 refill a month, and it does not catch your legs blazing afterwards. Men have it so graceful....

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i had matching exact problem. it got to the point i would want to cry whenever i have to shave. i would actually put stale shaving. i went to my dermatologist. what i started to exfoliate atleast once a week. this would nick off any limp skin. then i would hang around until i was almost done showering/bathing because afterwards my pores would be as open as possible. After i get out of the bath or shower i blot my legs dry (not rub becuase that could be rough for the skin and do more damage). While still damp I applied Aquifor. It is a gel to be precise dermatologist approved and thick. I put it contained by the refridgerator for a cooling effect too. You could also use aloe vera. No matter what gel/cream you desire to use make sure it is fragrance free and doesnt contain any sun eyeshade or vitamin c.

I also dont shave as often. When I would do it every or every other daylight i would get really discouraging irritations.

Good Luck

For the Lady's only please?

i'v have that problem my entire shaving history. i have a system, try it. first, i don't shave my legs next to a razor totally often. every 2 weeks i use a venus blade. in between i use an electric blade. trust me for sensitive skin, its a must have. for shaving gel, i don't use it. even the stuff for sensitive skin irritates it more. i use glyserine tablet soap. oddly, it works amazingly for shaving. other let your legs soak i really heat water for a couple of minute. i softens the down makes it easier to shave. after shaving other pat your legs dry, never rubs. and finally, moisturize like crazy. i use vasiline intensive comfort with cocoa butter. works amazingly. try this method, it will work. the singular really expensive part is buying the electric blade. buy a good one. i suggest remington. apposite luck

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haveyou tryed shaveing cream for sensitives skin. don,t put deeply of shaving cream on your legs that way you don,t enjoy to push so hard while you are shaving consequently after you get through try babie grease on your legs ,all so try frontage cream on your legs to soften them . try and find some characteristics of lotion with no parfum within it this well fashion your skin burn.and body soft for sensitive skin . you can try what i use ivy or dove or babie soap go to the store look for any entry parfum free .one more point you can tryi s vaseline intensive care total moisture dry skin lotion hope this help with your dry skin i know how you perceive

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I used to get cut-throat burn no matter what cut-throat or shaving cream I used. Then a friend told me to shave with pelt conditioner. Apply a generous amount and permit sit for a few minutes before shaving. WORKS.

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I have hugely sensitive skin, and the best thing I enjoy found to use on my legs is the intuition razor....I never grasp razor burn from them and adjectives you need is sea, it's so easy...Good Luck!

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nair have this new shaving lotion that really works..all you hold top do is apply to the legs wait a few minutes and pocket a shower, the hair comes sour easily. plus it have a nice scent to it it has aloe doesn't smell bad.

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You should select the hair removal method which is suitable to your skin.

Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are intervening hair removal methods.

Electrolysis and laser hackle removal are “permanent” hair removal methods but are expensive and you enjoy to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged.

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i wax

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i individual get blade burn if I'm shaving without gel. lol Which is..okay... never! (haha first time I ever shaved my legs was cuz I be bored and it was on dry skin... chat about OUCH) But I'll occasionally get hold of rashes if voice, I shave the gel off but retouch up the nouns without reapplying more

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I hold gotten slight razor burns on my legs near disposable razors. I prefer to use a better blade and replace them when dull.

I go and get razor burn on my bikini nouns no matter how devout the blade is though. I've been using Veet delapitory and to be exact working great.

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stop using disposable razor and try venus vibrance,and a moisurizing shave gel, and shave after you've taken a hot shower because the steam softens the hair and manufacture shaving alot easier.

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