Can I get pregnant from have sex with my bf while using both a condom and the verbs out (withdrawal) method?

Hello, I am 20 years old and I've have sex for the first time with my bf and we have sex 3 times the first time I had sex. Each time we have sex we used a different condom. The first time he came he verbs out method while wearing a condom. When he took off the condom he didn't use his uncovered hands he used a towel/cloth to help yourself to it out. The two times he didn't come because I was startled that it was going to draw from on me so he didn't.

Basically I was wondering if using a condom and the verbs out method at the same time be bad, I be planning on getting the pill, but we ended up doing it back I got the pill.

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There is other a chance. But taking those steps can lower the probability to a very small occasion. I think you are nontoxic. But wait until you are on the pill subsequent time.

Is it normal that I can masturbate 9 or 10 times surrounded by one day ?

You really shouldn't hold anything to worry give or take a few. It sounds pretty safe to me.

Has anyone else notice this?

Not likely, but its happend.

Any one know whats wrong?

Anytime you hold sex, you risk getting pregnant. There is no 100% safe method. Chances are highly low that you did get pregnant using a condom but it is still possible.

The pill is not other effective either(I get pregnant on the pill) so once you are on the pill, it is still wise to verbs using condoms.

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well really, your 20, so if somthing did happen you can bring care of it the subsequent day. It's not approaching you have to make clear to your mom. I would say a moment ago enjoy it the both of you!
But if you still want to do it that process, I think it's deeply very past the worst. But another way, thats also intensely very undisruptive, is use a condom, plus a girl condom, how ever those work.
they say, girl condoms alone are honourable protection, so.. maybe try them
Good luck! Enjoy!


You are probably undisruptive, but the condom is not 100% guaranteed and the withdrawal method is even smaller number guaranted.

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