
ok, so last yr a girl at mi skool(aka mi ex best friend) get mad @ me because i borrowed a set of two of pants in need askin!?!- this was bcause we have a dress down day( i go 2 a private skool where on earth we cant wear jeans, and on dress down days we can) but we cant have any maufactured wear on them, but i simply had a short time so i thought it would be ok but i got within trouble and had 2 convert mi pants and i fresh she had some extra ones so i borrowed them and 4got to share her and she got nutty at me. So aniway, back to the chief dilemma. ok, so shes all wacky and decides to start a rumor just about me. we are not in the most popular group of ppl, but are popular and dirt on others within your group or higher lowers them down up to 3 groups and can bump up you up to 2, depending on how good it is. so she say im a LESBIAN!?! ok i even had a bf and she say that. but everione believed her, so now i own not one friend, no bf, and am in a group blow the geeks. What should i do 2 be paid ppl think i am NOT a lesbian? HELPP!

Is this grotesque? Why do i do this?

Just ignore it. Eventually someone will gain spiteful and start a rumor about someone else and you'll be forgotten.

Or report her 'it takes one to know one' and turn the rumor over on her. I know it's stingy, but tell family she tried to make advance at YOU. More than likely folks will believe you over her and maybe she'll deem twice about starting vicious rumors when it comes rear on her.

Is it ok to shave pubes being a girl?

go speak to your lead of something it's classed as bullying

Period question?

.why are girls so bitchy!!

What should i do to grasp an Orgasm?

I think you should of late try and make friends next to other people. You definitely didn't have a exceptionally good bf if she believed ur opponent. If they ask, tell them the truth. It'll die down after a while.

Pleaaaaase support?

Ignore her.These things will settle with time.No one will ask you.

How do i breed myself through up ?

thats what i hate just about people. she is a stupid sluttty b!tch. pay no attention to her and make brand new friends. popularity is nothing. it be just a stinkin duo of jeans

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