After sex, what should you expect to develop to your body?

like when should you expect your period to come or how to be cautious to not get pregnant

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Argh... I'm not trying to be flippant, but if you're asking these things, you're too young to be have sex.

But, I feel that in that's no such thing as too much sex childhood. So:
Your period should not be disturbed by how much you enjoy sex. When you're young, your cycles may be a bit irregular, but if they're pretty regular (start mark a calendar, if you don't already), that won't change. If you start every 28 days, you will verbs to do so.

How not to get pregnant? Make sure you other have condoms on paw (don't expect the boy to bring them) and make sure you other use one. Every single time. Don't think that he can "verbs out" before he ejaculate and you'll be safe; at hand are too many question on here from girls who thought this and now are asking, "If 2 pregnancy test come out positive, does this mean I'm pregnant?"

There are other birth control methods, as expected, but condoms are the only things that hold out protection against STD's. And contracting the wrong STD can be worse than pregnancy, so I don't recommend that you get on the pill and estimate you won't need condoms. If his penis is out, form sure there's a condom on it. This go for oral sex too. You can catch some icky stuff that agency.

Not having sex is 100% influential at preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Sex is not necessary for anything-- not for have a boyfriend, not for being popular, not for mortal "grown up." I happen to know a woman 36 years frail and still a virgin. That's a bit extreme, but don't assume that "everybody's doing this but me."

Info on Premature Ovarian Failure?

You should take anti-pregnancy precautions BEFORE you hold sex, not after it!!

If you had protected sex your time of year will come as normal.

If you're pregnant after obviously it won't.

Is it true that fibroid is cause by having sex during menses?

Your spell will not come just because you have sex. You ovulate 14 (give or take, different for every woman) days after the first day of your time.

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if you get pregnant during that time of intercourse then you will interview positive in exactly 14 days from the sex.

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You should expect your spell to come when it usually does, unless you didn't use birth control, which you should have.

What is PMDD?

Your body should not look any different after sex. Unfortunately, the human being careful as to avoid pregnancy come formerly sex.

OMG! What should I do read details?

Always use condoms to protect yourself not only from pregnancy, but from disease.

Could this be cervical caner? im a virgin..?

A girl's term should come approximately every 28-30 days. Every woman is different so some have longer/shorter time between. From what I've literary, a woman is most likely to draw from pregnant shortly after her period ends. I get pregnant when I was ON my interval, so EVERY WOMAN IS DIFFERENT!! Trust me, anything is possible.
If you don't use a condom when you have sex, the possibility of getting knocked up is pretty damn illustrious. Pulling out before he comes DOES NOT WORK!I Pre-come can and will obtain you pregnant. I would suggest getting on birth control and using condoms as well so you guys don't own any *surprises* down the road. They're no fun, and neither is abortion.

Do you think i can stir running if i'm on my period and i solely wear pads?

Hi Judy, After sex, your body is tired (i dunno if it is) and you perceive weak contained by the morniong AFTER. No your period will not come, see in that is a reason the top of the penis is bigger or wider than the bottom. A man's penis blocks it out and probally LATER you will enjoy PMS. The only course to not get pregnate is to hold SAFE SEX. Now guys may say that condoms "help yourself to out all the fun" of sex. If he doesn't wanna wrap it up, confer him up!

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I would expect to get struck by lightening for my below par deed

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