I've missed 4-5 period and i know for sure i'm not pregnet what it is will i be able to hold kids?

last time i went to the doctors they said i be just fine?
will i know how to have kids?

When I miss one of my hormone pills I start my monthly cycle.?

It could be stress! If your Dr. have thoroughly checked you and has checked blood work, urine, pap smears, etc and everything is middle-of-the-road then my suggestion will be take a second opinion... Just to be locked! Unless you're going through early menopause i don't see a defence to your problem.

How do you get TSS ?

your paucity of peroids may be due to some un for seen stress

Why is losing virginity such a big traffic?

I'm sure your periods will come stern
It will be harder to get pregnant because your period are not periodic but that doesn't be a sign of that you are sterile

I have a request for information about a unquestionable product!?

You will be fine. This has happen to me. I'm 16, and until a couple of weeks ago I hadn't had my period for 5 months. So I go to the doctor's office and he prescribed a prescription called Duphaston which i took twice a year for 7 days and three days after I stopped taking it, i got my length. Don't worry, this will not interfere next to you having kids at adjectives. Try going to your doctor again and see what he decides is best for you. Good Luck

What Is Wrong?

I would stir to your ob/gyn. Especially since it has be more than one or two periods. Loss of interval is known as ammenorhea. Some women lose it if they lose mass and get too high. Some women have hormonal problems or structural problems that bring them to lose thier periods. There are also some genetic disorders that end in premature failure of the ovaries. Certain birth control can incentive a loss of period resembling seasonale the continous birth control pill. It is hard to comment on your fertility until the doctor know what is causing the loss of your time of year.

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