Should I tell my mom that I've be shaving my armpits behind her stern for 2 months?

You can see my post 2 months ago (if you want):;...
My mom didn't want me to shave, but I did anyway for swimming. I've been taking her sucky razor (she shaves legs). The thing is, my mom cleaned the shower, and she didn't even distinguish my razor! I be hoping she would. I need current razors because my mom's don't work okay and there are solitary 2 left. I can't really buy myself some because she's other with me at the store. My mom's chance! She's always said no to things involving puberty (tampons, shaving, deodorant, etc.). Help me please and thank you.

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i reckon you should tell your mom that you are a growing girl and you want to shave. report to her that hair underneath your arms is gross and you think you should be allowed! and enlighten her you need spanking new razors. and bring up to date her she cant stop you from growing up because thats life! and you involve to use deoderant if you dont wanna smell!

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Maybe she doesn't like that you're growing up
But axiom no to deodorant is plain nutters
Try talking to your dad give or take a few it and see if he can help you
Or siblings
Or even the swim coach.
The coach could present that reason almost less tresses and more speed

I bet she saw the razor, freshly didn't say anything because she didn't want to acknowledge the situation.

You could wax your pits, because that process the hair isn't gummy, dark, and gross.
Or even use Veet or Nair.

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umm you definatly need to shave your armpits, i'm sorry but its personal hygiene. and you also said you mom wouldn't agree to you use deodorant!?!?! i think you may requirement to sit down and have a natter with her and make clear to her that you are going through changes and you obligation these items.

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I know what you are going through. I am doing like thing. My mom wont buy me anything relating to puberty. Just converse to her and let her know.

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She probably already know that you do.
Ask her again for some razors. Let her know that you're sick of keeping your arms down adjectives the time to hide embarassing below arm hair. She should appreciate. Especially since it is for swimming! Many body parts are exposed! I'd understand your mom didn't want to you shave a short time ago for the heck of it. But if you're showing that much skin as you do when you're swimming, then as you would expect you need to shave!

Just notify her what the situation is exactly.

If she still says no, you can walk to a nearby drug store after arts school or something and make sure that you hide from view your razors.

Remember to one and only stick to shaving your arms because she will really know that you disobeyed her by shaving your legs as well.

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Have one of your friends bring back you some razors.

Is not shaving your armpits section of your culture or heritage?
Are you allowed to shave your legs?
I do not know your mother, will she make you quit swimming if she finds out you enjoy gone against her request?

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i know exactly what you close-fisted! im 12 too and i started shaving my armpits 3 months ago but my mom only think i shave my legs. you should just convey her, "mom i shaved my armpits because i had swimming and it be gross" or something. even if she doesnt understand lately keep shaving. also, you of late probably just ask her if you can shave your legs and you stipulation more just use alike razors for you armpits to.

Hope i help!!
good luck!

oh also, basically say that your swimming coach suggusted it because really serious swimmers shave their together body to make them progress faster or something

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you really need to explain to your mom that these are things that girls your age call for. this is definately the most ridiculous thing i own ever heard. this is how i would confer to her:

mom, im getting older and nearby are things that i need, and you can't say-so no to them. i need things that adjectives girls need. im woolly, my pits REALLY smell, and im sick of wearing pads.. THEY FEEL LIKE DIAPERS! mom, im prayerful you. you won't even notice that i use these things. i don't take why you can use them, and i can't. im getting older and i obligation them as much, or even more than you do. its at the point where i own to go losing your back to find these things, and i really dont want to have to do that. i dont know what it is you hold against me using these things, but i need them sooo much.

it sounds abnormal and kinda embarresing, but i guarentee she will give contained by! good luck sweetie!

Birth Control Pill ??

Just out of interest...
Did your mum "tell" you she shaves? I propose you say "aft her back" - but I don't really remember having to confer my bathroom conduct with my mum.

Also, how aged are you? If you are really young (i.e not a juvenile yet) perhaps your mum have a point however shaving is an individuals choice and you, as an individual, should be allowed to make that choice - freshly tell her, if you surface the need to permit her know - you shouldn't need to ask her blessing.

Birth Control?

She needs to grow up more than you, I don't know what you can do, and I'm not trying to be abhorrent but she really needs to grow up and hand over you some necessities.

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This may or may not be what i chew over it is, but she sounds like she is trying to turn you anti-social by making sure you appear or smell disagreeable to others, make sure you consent to her know that it is no right for her to deny you those things, if she does not listen you should really tell a guru or adult you trust, no girl should enjoy to go through this.

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awe. i suggest that you do start shaving, but not every hours of daylight yet. yes its true the mane will grow in thicker and dark. it depends on the person. but do NOT share your mom this,she's a little unexpected. Doesn't she know anything about puberty? shaving IS cog of puberty. my mom is the smae way, but the differences is, If It wasn't for my grandmaand my self finding out on my own, i would NOT own ever known more or less it because my mom NEVER gave me that girl tlak. for some pretext she thinks this stuff is bleak. and When I needed to know something she expected to know it. how coulds I if I didn't learn anything? Good luck

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Show this to your mother (I'm a mom!). Shaving your armpits is righteous personal hygiene. So are tampons and deodorant. DO NOT USE SOMEONE ELSE'S RAZOR even if you live with him/her. Mom, your daughter feel she should shave her armpits for hygenic reasons. If shaving near razors is a problem, she may know how to use a depilatory such as Nair. Thanks, mom!

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wow thats really wierd...i dont see wats so wrong more or less that...i kno i wouldnt want to see no girl wit a bush of hair on her underarms not be b stingy or anything but thats nasty...conceivably she has notice...and is ignoring it...or I don`t know not...sry but i really dont know what to tell you...i want to narrate should confront her and tell her how you surface and get u the razor ect...but maybe she wont pinch it very "good".

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ewww.. um i started using deorderant when i be 8... how old are you? i started shaveign my armpits at 9 and my legs when i wa salmost ten. idk what to bring up to date you... maybe you entail to sit down with her.and gossip about these things try not to start an argument.but report to her that u will be considering quitting swimming cuz ur embarrassed... or enlighten her ur being made fun of because of that.

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