Birth Control Questions and Answers - Women's Health
- Is there anything to help periods that last too long besides birth control pills?
- Have you ever gotten a rash from your birth control pills?
- I have an ovarian cyst about 5cm and painful, my left it up to me to have surgery or take birth control pills?
- Where can i find a form of birth control that doesn't make me gain weight? (besides condoms and Abstinence)
- can you get pregnant if u take birth control after sex?
- Why is it that birth control pills?
- What doctor should i see for birth control?
- birth control question--?
- What is the most effective kind of birth control to use?
- has anyone used the nuva ring for birth control?
- Which are the most effective OTC methods of birth control besides condoms and foams? My BF doesn't trust foams
- I have been told you can take birth control pills to stop your monthly?
- What would happen if I took my birth control pills consecutively excluding the "inactive pills"?
- can i take antibiotics with birth control?
- Advice about birth control, not happy w/ the pill ?
- I'm going on birth control pills (1st time doing so) and I need to have a check up "down there" scared help
- Are you still protected during the 4th week of your birth control, when your on the placebo pills?
- Loestrin 24 Fe birth control question?
- which is the most safe and easy and 100% effective protection for birth control ?
- Is birth control bad to take just to regulate your pain?
- I switched to Yaz birth control a couple months ago, and still having breakthrough bleeding?
- When can I expect my period when taking birth control pills?
- How long after you take your last birth control pill willyou get your period?
- if you skip a day on birth control and then a couple days later bleed a bit, is that normal?
- what kind of birth control pills?
- What do you do if your birth control patch falls off?
- Anyone taking the birth control Seasonique to control headahces?
- Has anyone LOST weight on birth control? What brand?
- Can birth control pills cause a change in your emotions or low sex drive?
- What is the best birth control?
- Mainly this is for girls, have you tried the birth control called "Yaz"? If so, do you like it? pros/cons?
- Monday start instead of Sunday start for birth control pills?
- i just got off birth control a few months ago why is my menstrual cycle so heavy ?
- No sex drive - Will new birth control help?
- What can I do about EXTREME vaginal dryness from birth control?
- Has anyone experienced this coming off birth control?
- What are the side effects of using birth control and St. John's wort?
- Is taking 35 active birth control pills in a row harmful?
- Yasmin birth control?
- changed birth control pills no period why?
- Has anyone used NuvaRing as birth control?
- can birth control calm down PMS?
- birth control pills:unnatural and unsafe in general?
- a question about birth control?
- Anyone taking femcon fe birth control for bleeding issues?
- i heard that if u go to a health store they will give u sum birth control pills w/o a?
- While you're on birth control, how do spacer pills work?
- What kind of birth control is there?
- stomach pain! skipped birth control pills, bleeding?
- can i get free birth control or buy birth control at a walk in clinic?
- Considering using Today Sponge birth control, any thoughts?
- I got my period but it's very light also im on birth control for only 2 months help?
- When to start my birth control so that my body can adapt a NORMAL cycle?
- Does anyone know anything about this birth control?
- what birth control pill is equivalent to Yasmin?
- Which method of birth control is more effective?
- Is generic birth control just as effective as the brand name?
- where can i get ortho tricyclen birth control for cheap & w/o needing to have a prescription?
- If i start taking birth control pills will I gain weight?
- Does stopping birth control screw up periods?
- Depo birth control shot (part 2)?
- birth control help?
- i have been on my period for over two weeks now, I don't want to take birth control because?
- Is it normal to have mood swings if you stop taking birth control pills?
- Yaz birth control?
- If i take birth control will I not have a period anymore?
- If I'm on birth control is there any time when I can still get pregnant?
- What is the best birth control method, besides abstinence?
- Can I get birth control for acne if I'm not sexually active?
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