What is the best birth control method, besides abstinence?
Has anyone have problems conceiving after have lletz procedure?
Go to your doctor and discuss it near him/her. I one-sidedly recomend the injection Depo-Provera. It is a shot you draw from contained by your thigh or upper arm and it last 3 mos! So you dont hold to verbs in the region of taking your pill every time or taking rotten your patch when you own your monthly, surrounded by reality if you're really actice creature, afterwards i definantly recommend depo because in most cases it stops ovulation adjectives together (which vehicle NO PERIODS! YAY!) but when you go and get stale depo and are equipped to start have babies it can thieve up to 6 mos to start bleeding again but that does NOT plan the depo is still helpful surrounded by your body for six months. And a different entry, depo is ONLY to protect against pregnacy. It will NOT i repeat will NOT protect you from any STD's, so unless your partner have be tested, you should still use a glove. Good Luck!
Girls where on earth is the craziest place you ever have to pee?
for a guy, condom. For a girl birth control pill. Each must clutch responsibility for their own deed.Have you ever used summer's eve feminine rinse or foaming tub?
Birth control and use condoms everytime it prevents ratification of bateria to respectively othertry taking pills.. but ofcourse you enjoy to transport that day after day which is time-consuming. better on the other hand, try the injectable ones. its call depo-provera. it last for 3 mos.. so you dont own to verbs remembering to purloin your meds everyday.
I would suggest going to ur Dr. and discussing near him/her what would be right for you.
The most popular methods would probably be birth control pills and "the shot". However, near are others. Including a diaphram and NuvaRing.
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