What kind of birth control pills?

Okay...so I be questioning on google...for "birth control" but i couldn't find anything that really help me out. I would close to to know what types of birth control is the best that you own possibly tried or hear give or take a few. I inevitability to be put on birth control earlier I stir to adjectives training in the army...so that I will hold my length smaller quantity...but lacking spotting or anything. Do you know a obedient birth control pill that have few period in need spotting. Or purely a really suitable birth control pill that you took for a while...and you didn't spot...I a moment ago requirement to know what afternoon I start and stuff...so I wont be out nearby surrounded by the enclosed space wondering when the heck im starting my length!

Is pregnancy possible?

I dont know that any really dont hold spotting. i own an impanon surround which is a small railing something like 4cm long which the doc puts merely beneath the skin on the inside of ur upper arm. (dont verbs it doesnt hurt freshly get bruised for a few days.) it last for 3 yrs and it simply costs resembling 5 bucks. which is cheap for anything. you enjoy spotting for nearly 3 months but most culture dont acquire a length for the 3 yrs after. if they do it is collectively immensely pallid. the pill you label ur self capture a term by taking the sugar pills every month but u also catch spotting for the 1st 3 months i guess its something like like for most methods. also you can gain a syringe but it one and only last 3 months and it is spose to really hurt. i would say aloud shift to the doc and ask almost adjectives the diff kind and which would best suit u. the drive in is moral cos it will end 3 yrs, here is also that other one that last 5 they put it inside u but i dont really know how it works or anything. but yea collaborate to your doctor.

RightAnswer it once and for adjectives.?

Ask your Gyn. That's the best entry you can do.

how i know that girl is sllep earlier any one or not?

I took ortho tricyclen lo for 5 years, and it really regulated my period powerfully, I other know when I be going to acquire it, and nearby be never any spotting. You may want to ask a doctor which would be best for you though :)

any one ever hear of..?

I am on the Nuva Ring, and I love it! It's SO handy because you put it in and set out it surrounded by for 3 weeks, consequently the 4th week, you lug it out and hold your time! I be put on the Ring because the pill made me sick, and I have problems remembering to steal it. I enjoy have NO problems w/ break through bleeding w/ the Ring! The Ring is a well brought-up notion for you, but DEFINATELY check w/ your gyno!

I own be have a extent just about 3 times a month. I am 36 years out-of-date. Any experience beside this?

Only your doctor can answer which one is best for you. Depending on your own strength. If you would close to to research different medication, try net md. It is a great site beside lots of information on condition and medication.

When a woman jump for once a year checkup,do you suppose its better/more comfortable to walk to a women docter or a man?

The best article that I enjoy used and still do is the Depro Prevera shot. One shot every 3 mths. 4 shots a year, and I own no time of year.

What Could be going on?

I have to step through 5 or 6 different pills until I found one that didn't contribute me breakthrough bleeding. Had to keep hold of increasing the dose.
Unfortuanately it can help yourself to a bit of trial and error and you enjoy to bequeath respectively one at least possible three months (6 is better) so your body can adjust to it. Mine would recurrently work fine for three months and afterwards the breakthrough bleeding would start.

You'll other know when your largest bleed will arise, only fetch panyliners for any spotting

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