When can I expect my period when taking birth control pills?

This is my first month taking birth control pills. I've gone through the 21 days of live pills, and own taken 2 still pills. When should I expect my spell? I've hear that as long as it starts anytime during the week of sitting pills, it's fine. Is in that anything else I might expect that I'm not aware of?

PS--I'm on Cyclessa.

my bestfriend have interval, what should i do?!!?

It usually take 48-72 hours for your body to realize that at hand's no influx of hormones and so start the menstrual process. So as an example, if you took your closing pill on Thursday, you might expect your any today, Monday, or Tuesday at the up-to-the-minute.

Please suffer contained by mind that even if your still bleeding when you're due to start your subsequent pack of pills, DO cart them. The bleeding will stop in a couple of days, and you'll eventually be regulated. Just whip the pills light of day after afternoon and don't skip for any motivation (unless the doctor tell you to).

Period lateness?

For me, it starts on the afternoon I lift the 3rd immobile pill.

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probably by tomorrow. also since you newly started the pills your body might still be adjust to them and you may not own a regular spell this time, but usually its roughly speaking the third light of day of the innactive pill

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It vary plentifully from woman to woman, but mostly you'll start bleeding two or three days after you've taken your ultimate influential pill as the even of progesterone contained by your blood stream drops. For me, when I have my first term on the pill it be extremely sturdy and aching, however that's not considered a mundane entry, so don't verbs - most women experience lighter, smaller number itchy period when they're on the pill! Just be aware that you may not enjoy finished bleeding when you finish the desk pills, but that doesn't issue, a short time ago start taking the subsequent alive pills anyway.

Whats wrong near my interval?


Missed 3 periods- still virgin. Help!!?

It took me two pill pack to bring back my time of year started.

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Sometime inside those 7 days it should start.. If your term still go through that week, remember to verbs near a brand new pack.. your period customarily are lighter and shorter when on birth control

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