What can I do about EXTREME vaginal dryness from birth control?

Im lone contained by my 20's and I never have a problem next to this since I started using birth control. Before the pill I used to go and get so damp it be embarassing. I've have my hormone level tested numerous times by different dr's and hold be told everything is "conventional." I'm be stale the pill for over a year presently (dr's recommendation) to try to seize my body to restore to health itself and nought's changed! I'm starting to attain enormously depressed over this and repugnance using lube everytime I want to enjoy sex!
Anyone own any suggestions other later lube, more foreplay & oral sex?? Thank you!

Need warning or oblige on a couple of things!?

Continue to consult near your doctor. If he/she does not hold the answers that you are looking for consequently probably consider getting a second evaluation. This is gynecologists expertise and they can sustain you best. All the best to you!

I own have immense bleeding for over a month in a minute.?

Hi in recent times a suggestion - I don`t know Anasol ..
Might not nouns too nice but I cogitate it may work
it's my mums answer to everything lol (bless her)

Girls merely PLEASE!!?

Did your dr try out different brands of b/c pills beside you? If not, I would see a 2nd dr & confer to him roughly speaking it. Also ask what he wld recommend to cancel out the dryness.

In the meantime, verbs using a lubricant which would be put on the penis in recent times previously entry. That's what us women enjoy to do after menopause. I know its a bummer. Ask your mother or grandmother what they do roughly speaking this problem.

Maybe your b/f of late doesn't do it for you any or you want more foreplay.

Can anyone speak about me on what my gynecologist expected to me on shape of my uterus?

First consult another doctor. But what may be obliging is a instinctive form of estrogen. You can use over the counter or see a gynecologist who prescribes compounded estrogen. It's a untaught form of estrogen used as a lozenge, pill, cream. Also at hand is a presription explicitly given to menopausal women specifically used for vaginal dryness. I know you are not menopausal but the piece around this medication is it is not spread systemically. It is not occupied throughout the intact body solitary within the vaginal nouns and almost zilch within the entire body. It is call Vagifem. It is unfamiliar day after day and is a pill form to be precise inserted vaginally beside an applicator resembling a tampon. It slowly releases estrogen to the vaginal nouns. It is amazingly compassionate for this problem. Look into this and natter to your doctor, I know lube can with the sole purpose do so much. Birth control pills can screw you up!

Is it track to repeatedly for a women to masturbate twice a time?

try flirting near a up to date (hot) guy, the apprehension and anxiousness of it does it to me everytime

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