What is the best birth control?

I own a disquiet of purchase mass and I hear birth control can clear you purchase to over 20 pounds. From experiences, what is the best birth control you've have that made you not gain so much substance?

brown stuff mixed next to discharge?

I love Yaz, I own be on Ortho tri , the patch and the Depo shot, I despicable both of those and cannot express how much I love Yaz, It help me LOOSE counterbalance that Depo put on me, im not hungry normally and hold a AWESOME complextion presently. I surmise its also put me into a better mood, I simply consistency happier. Period is insubstantial, and hold lost 2 sizes so far.

Masturbation Tips?

the iud is the best for not purchase bulk.

check out the mirena iud. awesome.

OK so what brand?


for women.. feminine problems?

don't hold sex


don't hold sex

why is my vagina so tight?

Having no sex ~~~

Lack of hormones! Please sustain?

it's a better discussion to enjoy beside your doctor. abundant different kind are out in that and your doctor know you best.

Hey i am 15 and?

The pill.

where i m buy a best breast increase pills?

natural line planning, Creighton model

I consistency so fearful?

abstinence is the best birth control 100% forceful every time

My friend sarah have pus comming from her vagina she know its pus by the smell wuts wrong near her?

It is outstandingly individual. adjectives women take action differently to different pills, unfortuneately you will enjoy to seize your doctor's view and try out different brands. If you drink clean and excercise immensity gain won't be too much of a concern beside the newer types of BC

help me plz(be nice plz)?


Im kinda worried because it have be 30 days since i have my time and i typically run 24 or 25 days is that bad

The best birth control...works 100% is an asprin...Held tightly between your knees.

The woman's fruity fart, myth or sincerity?

20 pounds? Nah, possibly 5...but that's a perchance. I use tri-Nessa and found it worked simply fine and hold never gain a pound :)

Ladies how can I obtain the pill?

That is going to depend on you and your body. Your body is not going to counter to the pill indistinguishable approach that anyone elses does. The horrors of the pill are much smaller quantity extreme at present as pills have developed pills near smaller amount extreme side effects.

My daughter within statute claims to enjoy the FVP virus? What is it?

The Mirena IUD get my vote too!

Biotin pills?

Put a nickle between your knees and hold it near :)

Can a colposcopy be perform if you hold spotting cause by birth control?

Condoms won't put a pound on you.. oh, they won't put a pound on him any.. they are amazing!!

My friend is fundamentally underweight?

Hi, I own be on birth control for almost 6 years very soon and enjoy tried various of them. I will inform you in a minute...never use the shot. I gain counterbalance horribly. I am presently on the yazmine pill. It doesn't permit you gain substance and you merely hold partially a term. It in fact help me lose bulk after getting sour the shot. Hope this help..

Please minister to me!?


Is it ok to use a tampon when youre swimming a short time ago within defence your extent starts?

I pocket the pill (mini-pill) for my polycystic ovary disease so I don't hold a length. Many version of the pill are locked and don't enjoy frequent side effects IF you don't smoke and don't own migraines near auras (I do, so mini-pill for me, near no estrogen.)

IUD is virtuous (Mirena have a hormone contained by it), pill taken immaculately is flawless, mini-pill is pretty virtuous. I'd utter, try out some different kind of the pill. One oughta work. Otherwise, consider an IUD.

Or that parsimony stuff, that works too.

wat is this?

abstinanse (going without) plain and simple.

Can you control when your extent starts?

well everyone is different. if your worried almost counterweight or other side effect stay other from the depo shot because it second 3 months no event what. anytime you play beside your hormones you hold a haphazard at purchase mass and have a transformation surrounded by moods. I intuitively approaching a copper IUD but within the states most doc will not do any style of IUD unless you own at tiniest one kid. here are condoms and in attendance is the diaphragm both of witch neither use hormones. but both hold draw back condoms can brake and it smooth for man to whip one short a woman know it. diaphragm you enjoy be to fitted for and swot how to place it along near sperm aside. truthfully if your so vain more or less attainment consignment perchance your cold to own sex and the responsibility that come beside it. you'd start have sex untill your geared up to enjoy a child because no form of birth control is 100%.

Weight Gain. Why?

the copper cu7 worked for me for 14 years. when i have it removed i get pregnant.

i am so bored, any thinking of what i can do?

A condom or sponge cannot manufacture you gain mass. Also try a innate birth control within tally for a to brand it more in safe hands. this might give support to.

does sucking on boobs be paid you enjoy breast milk? even if you're not pregnant?

nuvaring won't put together you gain solidity, motive it's a direct dose of hormones, its local.

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