Does stopping birth control screw up periods?

I stopped taking birth control a few months ago, does that fold your time of year? i am pretty tardy and don't ruminate i could be pregnant although i enjoy have protected sex while i be rotten the pill. I don't remember exactly when my closing interval be although i know it be more than 30 days ago, which is worrying me.I also am currently on antibiotics, would that hold anything to do beside it?Any give support to would be greatly appreciated as i am really launch to verbs. I tend to verbs when i am overdue.

White discharge? is it suppose to coalesce up?

It can most clearly mess up your cycle. You hormone level are probably screwed up, & it can rob a bit time for everything to stability out again.

It's also a PRIME time to bring pregnant, because you can't necessarily explain to where on earth you are within your cycle. BE CAREFUL!

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Help. I'm emarrased to ask my mom just about making a doc's appointment for birth control pills- not what you think

It can. Some women steal a few months previously they carry a time of year after going past its sell-by date of the pill. Some catch their time of year the subsequent month. It vary and can depend on whether or not you be regular formerly you go on the pill.

Antibiotics lessen the usefulness of the Pill and pregnancy can result if no hindmost up is used.

See your Gyn to rule out any problems and pregnancy.

How long does the first length usually finishing?

yes it does type mess up ur usual date. Give it a touch more time and if it still doesnt show, try taking a theory test.

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