Birth control pills:unnatural and unsafe in general??

i do alot of reading on this one subject and am purely curious to see what others deduce and have a feeling too. it seem to me that women step on them to serve something or prevent something- ovulation because of cysts, pregnancy, acne, anything, and adjectives they finish up near is more physical,electric and sometimes psychological problems. why are so lots women going on them. yes, some pills do own "low" side effects, but it is something that will other enjoy something distrustful attached next to it. i wasn't other against the pill. i be on it for 2 and 1/2 years and have bleak side effects approaching most do. next, i discovered that it be better beforehand them. is anyone surrounded by aggreeance near me here that birth control pills are not honest for you? gratefulness for your input!

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i intuitively muse anything that stops something that be intended to happen close to pregnancy is purely unnatural and unsafe. I read that they can own side affects that can explanation Blood Clots i.e. a serious side affect. I believe that you should run through things the unconscious passageway and if you don't want to go and get pregnant (and by the process they don't protect you from STDs anyway) You should choose another method or stay non-attendance So I am on you side and agree beside you Unsafe and Unnatural !

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I meditate they are nontoxic. I hold be using them for over two years presently.

I don't know how to clearly explain this but i own a string on my abs ..verbs to read?

I go on BC make happen I hold really unpromising period. I help but I have a sneaking suspicion that its unnatural.( How are pills that are man made natural? I never hidden that If it be organic, you should hold it within your body already)

I go bad of it and a year ago stared hindmost up. I catch chest pains do to stress and the BC simply aggravted this and made the pains more frequent. I won't clutch the BC because I'm afriad of the 'unknown' side affect that may come up years from now. Plenty of meds own that crap take place. So I'd fairly operation next to the impossible niggle and sickness every month than subject my body to something I'm unsure of.

Ovarian Cysts?

I THINK EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE BIRTH CONTROL PILLS SERIOUSLY!! (They can be honest for some, bleak for others)

I developed cysts surrounded by my liver that be aching and they almost burst which could own lead to my destruction from some style of shock (so they said to me) yeah I agree that they in recent times might be fruitless for you too.

In shield anyone desires to know, I be on Ortho Tri-Cyclen (and followed adjectives instructions to a T) from the time I be 16 to finishing year...when I be 26. I tried "the patch" for a few months but that individual seem to craft things worse.

I started to consistency side effects approaching naseau, vomiting, (I tried the low dose version), etc. after 1 year but it be so inconsistent I didn't assume much of it nor did my Dr. Then....years then...ouch! Cysts within my liver! So if you are on them and be aware of should look into it and thieve it seriously.

PLUS side to BC pills:
- I did not return with pregnant
- I have shorter period beside smaller amount pain/discomfort

DOWNSIDE to BC pills
- Side effects can and do begin (like bruising confidently, nausea, etc.)
- Your body starts to produce smaller amount of it's own hormones

? roughly when to start birth control pill?

I am not within aggreeance. If you read a bottle of tylenol it will communicate you that near are seriously of side-effects due to taking it...but nation don't read that *&%$ and it doesn't appear. It's more disadvantageous to enjoy an unwanted pregnancy.

I took the morning after pill end sunday ( 22nd) and i get my second interval on the friday?

Not everyone have unpromising side-effects. People who don't pilfer them correctly hold unpromising side-effects. If you're responsible you'll be fine unless your body can't pinch that copious hormones. Estrogen and Progestin are both NATURAL hormones. It's not similar to we're taking anabolic steriods.

So no, I don't agree beside you.

I am 14 am a girl i cogitate alot going on for sex and i own sex near my pillow is this run of the mill or what can i do to stop

No, it is a personal choice. I enjoy be on them my entire fully developed existence. Now I am contained by my 50's. My period are deeply regulated, second nearly a daylight and a partly, no cramps, no PMS, no side affects, and it have worked impressively all right for me, thank god. I be competent to plan my family unit near no accident. They own be a godsend to me.

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It depends on the woman. In copious cases, a woman benefits adequate from extremely smoothly preventing pregnancy, to defend the (small) risk to her robustness from contraceptives. In oodles other cases, the risk of adverse consequences of the hormones is not worth the benefit of convenient birth control. It's really concrete to know; thank honour it's respectively woman's choice whether to clutch it or not!

I don't whip it because contained by my relatives, women enjoy gotten migraines and cystic ovaries that be probably associated, and when I did try it for 3 months to treat my acne, I be so depressed I almost stopped going to work. Not worth it for me, especially when my boyfriend be prepared to be conscientious something like condoms.

Besides, I am one of those nutflakes who'd to some extent find a process to avoid ingesting chemicals whenever possible. You never know what the long possession effects are going to be.

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i've read profoundly too, but intuitively i havent have any problems beside it. i've be on them for almost 8 years in a minute, i needed them to regulate my extent. i would stir almost 3 months straight bleeding. my doc tested me over and over and it be merely that i be iregular. and the pill be the singular point that fixed it. fortunately i get some polite side effects from it, smaller quantity cramping, smaller number spell!, help beside the acne and very soon i know when i'm going to bring it, almost to the hour! as expected every presently and consequently i hold break thru bleeding.

my mom have be on them for nearly 15 years straight, no sugar pills. she have endometriosys and have to enjoy a partial hysterectomy and they put her on a steady stream of birth contol so she wouldnt grasp her time anymore and create more scare. she's have no problems. she of late wishes they would know when she go thru menopause lacking have to lately whip her past its sell-by date of them and find out!

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Hi, you asked for input so here's mine, not truism that my inference is adjectives that matter! First of adjectives I never considered necessary to cart a birth control pill but in a minute I do because my boy friend and I are totally unqualified for kids! Marriage first and career! In my shield I've have no side effects from "the pill." I expect birth control can be right and bleak for a character! Some produce serious side effects such as blood clots, heart problems, and ever worse DEATH! That be the focal request for information on my mind when I first settled to start "the pill." So I muse it's adjectives up to the individual! Birth control is a personal choice!

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I hold be on them for rather more than 2 years and I enjoy have moving side effects, mostly mood swings. On the other appendage, the discomfort during my length have gotten seriously better, it used to knock me out for 2 days, presently I am a short time ago surrounded by a bit dull pain for one. The stuff I am on is pricey and complex to find sometimes, so I am going to switch soon. I notice some cargo gain when I go on the pill, I insufferable that, but next to the bulk gain I get bigger boobs. And even though the mood swings are annoying I close to mortal competent to be intimate next to my boyfriend anytime short the have need of for preperation.

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