I own white discharge on my underwear everyday, i've had it for a long time, what does it stingy?

It happens everyday, its conventional to me.
Its white and its on my underwear.
It has nil to do with me and my sex partner since be both our firsts and only.
Im newly wondering what it means, and if its average.

Can you? girls only?

you said it yourself, it is ordinary to you.
all women produce fluids from the glands contained by their vaginal canal, and it comes out white sometimes, and get thick if you don't drink ample water.

What to do roughly speaking PCOS?

its just a white charge. its what u gain b4 periods. ur vagina is cleaning itself. down beneath is where it get imbalanced n stuff dont worry. use other evryday pads

What can I do if I missed three days of the b-control pill, and I'm on the second day(monday) of my time of year?

You do not say if you are mannish or female, it make a difference.

Please help urgently?

Have you checked other question of this nature? This topic comes up something like a DOZEN times per day!

Yes, its common. It is there to cleanse the vaginal strait and keep the pH go together in check so that yeast doesn't overgrow and grounds an infection.

Where is a womanes G spot?

Its just vaginal discharge without blemish normal, you own nothing to verbs about. are your a girl right?

Someone lend a hand PLEASE?

it's very majority to get discharge. customarily every woman gets discharge atleast three or more times a year. discharge usually gets heavier as it get closer to your period time. no worries dear ; )

What to do if i own polycystic ovaries?

Yes it is normal it is of late telling you sometimes that your going on for to start your period and It is unfolding you that you are growing up. You could just wear a pantyliner only just to protect your underwear. I hope that i could help you.

Is it mundane that i haven't had a length in over a month?

I cannot let somebody know if you are a male or feminine, but it is probably some form of a wet dream. From the sounds of it, you are ejaculate on your clothing. This could be caused by arousal, dreams, or copious other things.

Tip: Buy white underwear.

I use to be able to find that big O in no time past I had my daughter, but presently?

White discharges are cloudy secretions from the womanly reproductive tract especially from the vagina or cervix or both. Leucorrhoea is a medical term for white discharges which is an excessive secretion of the vagina. It is especially common contained by females nowadays, i.e. more than 30 per cent of girls suffer from leucorrhoea and consistency discomfort and pain. It may be mild to severe, and vary from person to soul.

Why we should be alert with leucorrhoea

In baggage of chronic infection, and if left untreated, the infection spreads inward into the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, etc., cause congestion of the uterus or ovary or pelvis, leading to filling menstrual flow in the forthcoming spell.

It acts as a precursor of pelvic inflammatory diseases, salphingo-oophoritis (infection of fallopian tube and ovaries) which mostly result in pelvic adhesion like peritoneal adhesion and fallopian tube adhesions which block tubes and may cause infertility.

White discharges in in arrears fertile period or after menopause should other be analysed completely to rule out cervix cancer which is the second commonest site of cancer in females after breast cancer.

Urinary tract, reproductive tract and the nearest organs are often caught contained by the spread of infection simultaneously since the urethra, vagina and anus lie tremendously close.

Incidence – All females of reproductive age groups (menarche to menopause) are prone to leucorrhoea at some time or the other. Pathological leucorrhoea occurs more commonly surrounded by people near poor hygiene and prostitutes, as they are more prone to venereal diseases, pelvic inflammatory diseases, etc.

Types and causes - Leucorrhoea is first and foremost classified into two types:
Physiological leucorrhoea - is an excessive discharge or secretions of a majority vagina. They are slimy in nature. They come about commonly in pubescent girls due to hormonal imbalance during puberty, at the time of ovulation term of the menstrual cycle, before period, etc. In case of adults, contained by addition to the ovulation time and formerly periods, it occur also during early days of pregnancy and during sexual excitement. It is only like the mouth watering at the verbs of delicious eatables. Here solitary the amount of secretion is increased and all the other moral fibre of secretion is the same. Also, you cannot sense any leucocytes, pus cells, microbes or blood. This type of leucorrhoea also occurs contained by newborn female babies for a week or two which is due to the oestrogen hormone contained by the blood of the baby which have entered through her mother’s placenta up to that time delivery. If it is a mannish newborn, it has prominent nipples for some time due to the presence of impossible to tell apart oestrogen hormone.

Pathological leucorrhoea - is a discharge occurring due to disease or malfunction of the womanly reproductive tract. It is the alarming sign for requirement of cleanliness and treatment. If you ignore this alarm, the infection will turn inside to rob your uterus or fertility. The nature of discharge vary from slimy to thick bloody discharge beside foul odour. This condition is commonly present both in overnight case of vaginitis or cervicitis. The main cause can be charted out as follows:

1) Infections

From FUNGUS - Candida albicans can easily flourish surrounded by moist circumstances and is commonly promoted by synthetic undergarments and poor hygienic condition.

FROM PARASITES – protozoa - Trichomonas vaginalis causes the Trichomoniasis which spreads usually through sexual intercourse and moist clothes.

FROM BACTERIA- Gardnerella vaginalis and chlamydia are the prime cause in bacterial infections. Also, it is frequently see in venereal diseases similar to gonorrhoea, syphilis, and AIDS.

2) Injury - Injury to the vagina or cervix or womb during childbirth, abortion, or excessive sexual indulgence can cause erosions and infections next to discharges.

3) Poor hygienic conditions and lack of cleanliness - non hygienic measures, especially during menses, can create infection and grounds leucorrhoea.

4) Diabetes and anaemia can provoke infections due to weakened imperviousness.

5) Spread of infection from adjacent urinary tract (UTI) or alimentary tract (worms)

6) Irritation of IUCD (Intra uterine contraceptive device) can motivation pain and discharges.

7) Sprays and jellies which are used by males for provoking sexual accomplishment and jellies and drugs taken by females to kill sperms to avoid conception can also irritate and initiate the infective process.

Leucorrhoea can also be classified as cervical leucorrhoea or vaginal leucorrhoea i.e., according to the place of its place of birth - cervix or vagina.

Symptoms of leucorrhoea - Mostly there won’t be any symptom bar discharge. Discharge may be slimy, viscid to dark coloured or even bloody near a foul smell.

In some cases, the accompanying symptoms are:

Lower abdominal pain

Painful sexual conduct yourself

Backache and pain within the leg, especially thigh and calf muscles

Intense itching with odema of vagina

Soreness and burning in the genital tract

Burning urination and frequent urge to leave behind very little urine

Irritability and deficit of concentration in work due to consciousness of discharges

Digestive disturbances approaching constipation or diarrhoea or vomiting

General tiredness due to loss of vital fluids as discharges

Diagnosis - leucorrhoea is mostly found to be hormonal. The frequency, time and nature of the discharge also points out the diagnosis. Mostly, it can be efficiently differentiated as physiological or pathological leucorrhoea by a vaginal smear. It clearly tells us in the region of the presence of bacteria or virus or fungus. Also, sometimes cervix biopsy is surely necessary to rule out cancer of the cervix. Culture and sensitivity oral exam is helpful within identifying the germs, if any, and also provides the right choice of the drug to treat it. Routine blood test give some idea nearly the infection. And, finally, urine test is also a must to rule out the spread of infection.

PREVENTION is other better than cure. So cleanliness is very meaningful.


Stress and strain since it may affect the hormonal level and may increase secretion.

Sharing towels and underwear

Synthetic or nylon underwear which cause wetness of genital organs. Always wear cotton underwear to avoid moisture.

Sexual intercourse during heavy discharges

Sexual intercourse minus condoms while under treatment


Hygienic measures to preserve genitals clean and wipe up underwear daily and engineer them sun dry.

Nutritious diet, especially food rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, magnesium and zinc, to modernize general strength

Plenty of water and juice to avoid urinary tract infection and its spread to the vagina or cervix.

Treatment - In general, the Allopathy system of pills concentrates on the infection and so uses antibiotics as a course for 7 days. Further, it works for improving the common health near vitamins and minerals. Mainly they prescribe

- For bacterial infection
- Antibiotic drugs For fungal
– Anti-fungal drugs and ointments For bedbugs
- Jellies to kill fleas and to alter the pH of vagina

Even though they kill the germs, fungus or parasite locally (by means of jellies) or mostly (by means of tablets) the disease recur often. The best reason clandestine is our susceptibility to the infection is high and our imperviousness or resistance is very low. If imperviousness is raised, it is the binding solution to eliminate the disease.

Homeopathic approach - Leucorrhoea is the excessive secretion of genital organs of the feminine. From the treatment's point of view, it is better to take home it normal than to stop it. If it is stopped completely, vaginal dryness may result which may exact pain during sexual hum. Also, if it is not treated properly, it may often recur and sometimes it can be infected and become ruthless. Always take treatment for 2-3 cycles of period to analyse it. So, do not stop treatment as soon as symptoms disappear and periods become ordinary. Avoid sexual intercourse during treatment in order to avoid unsafe the healing tissues surrounded by case of infection.

In Homeopathy, we boost the imperviousness power which plays a very critical role in unconscious elimination of disease organism or the disease itself and also within prevention. Homeopathic prescriptions are based on the quality and time of the discharge and also depend upon the patient’s constitution. The treatment can give durable relief to numerous leucorrhoea. The earlier you treat, you find speedier and complete cure without any adhesion.

1 day extent, please help!?

It could be a yeast infection. You don't say-so if you're itchy or not. If you are, you should try to get to the doctor to carry it checked out. You shouldn't try to self-diagnose a yeast infection in case it is something else. If you're using condoms, it could be an irritation to that type. Don't consent to it go... draw from it checked. It could be normal for you but you won't know until you find out.

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It is highly regular for young girls to hold white discharge. Its function is to lubricate the vagina during sexual intercourse. It frequently occurs surrounded by young girls. As long as here is no itching or foul smell you can consider it normal.

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I agree with the other comments, but it could also be an infection. You should shift and see your OBGYN. Just to be safe.

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I heard this on loveline w/Dr.Drew he saids it's ordinary..
(unless there is headache or serious smell)
and sometimes it can even bleach undies.
You should still go to the gyno once a year...perchance nows the time?

My boss yesterday at work pulled me into her office,?

Discharge is majority, however if you have any odor or itching or discomfort it could be an infection. Odor usually method a bacterial infection, and thick non-odorous discharge can be a yeast infection, both of which come about naturally when your vaginal flora become imbalanced. If you don't have any issues, and this is conventional for you I wouldn't worry, but perchance bring it up when you go within for your pap. If you are having issues, see a doctor so you can be treated.

Please lend a hand it is urgent?

most discharges you dont hve to worry something like unless they have an odor consequently you need to see the doctor

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Are you manly or female? Female it is usual to a certain extent as it is a means of access the female organs cleanses itself and prevent infections. But I would say aloud if you have it alot you necessitate to go to a Dr. You could own a yeast infection, or some other condition. Go to Web MD on the net and type within your symptoms. It will tell you if you call for medical attention by answering a few questions. Read more roughly speaking discharge at the link provided. That may help


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