What liberal of doctor should a teen visit almost severe mood swings?


Hi, I feel moderately dizzy after smoking nowaydas. Its strange. What could be the reason?

First, she should see her standard practitioner (the doctor you go to see in the order of being sick or your annual checkup). The broad practitioner will refer her to either a gynecologist, or a psychologist or a psychiatrist, or both if he/she feel that necessary. If you didn't want to stir through your GP, make an appointment near a gynecologist; see if you have any hormonal imbalance or anything like that. If you are adjectives cleared by the gynecologist, then be paid an appointment with a analyst.

A teen, however, should have some brand of access to a school counselor. I would recommend seeing them and consulting near him/her before making a doctor's appointment.

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a pediatrician

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I would first discuss it near your family Dr. They are usually standard practice and have closely of knowledge nearly all types of medical conditions, I used to see my GP for anti depressants and anti anxiety meds, and he stayed higher than my needs and monitored the results, and be very unequivocal to listening to me and not pre-judging, together we worked through my mood swings and I did not own to stay on meds for very long, a short time ago long enough to fix the chemical inconsistency in my neurotransmitters.

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your teen should first visit your average family doc. you may ask your doc to do test to see if your teen has a chemical inbalance. your doc may suggest 2 c a different doc.

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