Can you? girls with the sole purpose?

can you use tampons before yougo to a gyn.?

I enjoy a question -- around my period-- is this normal?

Hi nearby, yes as soon as you start your period you can wear tampons!!.so thats fine.. I started wearing them at 12 and in the don't unanimously see the gynos till your having sex (and for me that be 16) but it sounds like it's different where on earth you are..
and for the check up itself..
Generally a gyno will see you when your off your time but if you do need to wear a tampon in the past you see her then I don't see it as a problem...In the UK the gynos will not see you at adjectives for a smear or check up if your on your period so woman over here don't inevitability to worry going on for that...
but you can always ask them if your not sure ...I would a short time ago say your on your interval when you do make the appointment..and they will let somebody know you what you can do.
Hope that helps xx

Why is this?

You should avoid using tampons for 24 hours back going to the GYN. Especially if you are getting a pap smear. The tampon may interfer with a clear reading.

Why does?

It kinda depends on your age. If you are at lowest possible 14 I would say yeah progress ahead.

Do you only discharge alot beofr you are due to come on !?

um no you shouldnt newly wait till your gyno is over im not sure possibly you can wear them ask your gyno

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