For women only, men will regret reading this question?

Just wondering if any other women experience this. When I'm menstrating for the first 3 days, I feel so much pressure down nearby, especially when I'm standing up. I feel close to everythings going to fall out. It's get worse after each pregnancy.

Birth control query. taking the pill and gaining cargo?

I have pressure down in attendance too, but it's right before I'm going to start. Depending on how masses pregnancies you've had, you might want to gain checked for a prolapsed uterus (literally means your uterus is coming out through your vagina) Kegal exercises are supposed to relieve keep those muscles tight and facilitate prevent prolapsed uterus and bladder. Hope this helps.

And to the being that said "sex will often put things put a bet on into place" don't listen to them. A man's penis cannot reach the uterus, the cervix, perchance, but not the uterus. Just try mydol and if that doesn't help, catch checked for the prolapsed uterus. And "tacking" it back into place won't be a impossible thing. It's any that or getting it taken out.

What do u think of breast impants?

haven't have a period for a few years, but i do remember that intuition. midol. lots and lots of it. naproxen too

Breast augmentation?

I feel profusely of pressure and gas, kinda like I didn't put a tampon contained by right *even though i did*. it's annoying as hell.

My wife is 49 and gets extreme migraine headache. Any ideas to comfort are greatly appreciated!?

I'd recommend standing on your head during this "extent," just to be risk-free.

Why did my last interrogate not show up?

See your doctor you may need alittle tuck up within. Common problem.

Do your breast get sore when you ovulate? if so why?

I obtain the same sensation, don't no why.I was told it is run of the mill for some women

50 and losing my energy?

Yes, sometimes. And a Doctor will eventually want to "tack" your uterus into place. Don't permit him do it.

Sex will often bring everything back into place.

Women I entail your advice on this roughly my cycle?

yes i really regret reading this question. my curiosity put me again failing. how can i turn back the time formerly i reading this question? LOL. cheers!

Is nearby any way save for?

I always take that. I often own so much pressure that I feel close to I have a UTI. So since I hold the same thing- I hope it's mundane!

Gynecologist pleasee!?

you might want to talk to your ob-gyn within might be a medical reason for that much pressure,, I enjoy reg cramps and stuff but don't usually feel similar to anything like that?


Belly button is sore.?

Sounds similar to your uterus has collapsed which is adjectives after pregnancies. You may need to enjoy it removed.

Pregnancy test, HELP!?

i totally sucks

I hold a lot of stretch results and I can't stand them.How do I get rid of them?

i attain that too..except i havent had any yah midol works..or even advil or ibuprofin or anything

How long does it take to rest from a hysterectomy?

Wow,I never feel that but after again I never delt with morning sickness beside either of my pregnencies. I would vote that it is normal though because every woman is different. I know that sence the bith of my closing child I have more distress before the menstral and after. It's no big entity though. Talk to your docotr about it. Doctors administer good push for on those type of things.

Breast problem?

It sound approaching the excess fluid may be causing a mild prolapse of the uterus. During the first 3 days the bin liner of the uterus is thick and brawny, thus pulling downward when you stand. As the flow starts, the uterus lightens. You may want to have your OB/GYN check you out. It can be repaired, and does not scrounging you have to hold your uterus removed. You might also try Kegals it strengthens the floor of your pelvis and might prevent the need for surgery.

Need a Good diet?

Don't you revulsion that wish my boyfriend know how it felt

If u enjoy sex right before ur interval but then never start ur cycle how long will it be b4 u know if u r preg?

I'm answering adjectives 3 of your open question because you seem approaching a nice person.

I know some of my womanly friends have have horrific cramps yet this sounds resembling it may affect a pregnancy.

Keep a log for 1-2 weeks and write in it every hours of daylight whether you are having problems or not. Take this to your gyno, it will lend a hand them better understand what's going on. Also explain the threshold of stomach-ache (1-10) or however you want to rate it.

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