Is it true that victorian doctors stimulated women to find an org asm to cure them of hysteria?


I'm 28 years old and i've never have an orgasm. how do i have an orgasm?

yes this is true. this is where on earth the first "female massagers" come from. the doctors would often freshly put it up the patients long skirt and turn their head since it be considered innapropriate to look at their privates. this is cutting border science during this period (1800s-early 1900s)

Why are period so painful..I despise being a women, men hold it lucky!?

yep the NHS has sure gone to the dogs hasnt it lol

Sore breasts?

I'm almost sure I enjoy heard that somewhere too. It be on tv not so long ago....Hasnt the NHS changed rathera lot!

Have you ever smoked a cigarette backwards?

Not the doctors - the trained nurses.

Really intense sexual feelings take off me feeling terrified & fearing for my Safety.?

Are you referring to the Victorian era, or the state of Victoria in Australia.?
I don't judge that present day medical practioners would risk their profession to cure hysteria within this fashion.

Major aid wanted please!!?

It be worse than that. Hysteria comes from the same root as the word "hysterectomy" and literally intended "wandering womb". It was thought contained by Victorian times that women's problems were cause by the reproductive organs. To "cure" these women a hysterectomy was regularly performed. Because of Victorian morality I would doubt whether women be stimulated to orgasm, in reality most Victorian men, including the doctors, didn't know how to do it anyway.

I lost some weight and slimmed down, but i also lost some of my breast size, how can i go and get em back?

actually contained by Victorian times sexual pleasure passion and excitement be looked at as very bleak and masturbation was considered self knock about and boys and girls and men and women were circumcised to prevent it.

Covering the organs next to a cage have been practiced beside entire success. A remedy which is almost other successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when at hand is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be perform by a surgeon without administering an anaesthetic, as the brief distress attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected next to the idea of punishment, as it may capably be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it have not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed. If any attempt is made to watch the child, he should be so warily surrounded by vigilance that he cannot possibly transgress without detection. If he is lone partially watch, he soon learns to elude close watch, and thus the effect is only to manufacture him cunning in his vice. (p 295)

In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acerbic to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the uncharacteristic excitement, and preventing the recurrence of the practice surrounded by those whose will-power has become so feeble that the patient is inept to exercise entire self-control. (p 297)

Should a being not use hydroxycut when they are on birth control pills?

The mind boggles!

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