Please assist it is urgent?

i have a slight twinge on the right side of my abdomen since yesterday.i dont really surface like drinking anything though iam having no tendancy to vomit and i also dont own head hurt.i am worried if it is appendicitis?
if it is and i get operate how long will it take to become my regular self. i have my exams coming up and iam really tensed.

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If the misery is really that bad you call for to see a Doctor. But the pain could also be due to stress from you up coming exams. Stress plays a tremendous element on ones body, most people don't realize what it can do. My suggestion would be to dance see a Doctor and rule out anything seriously wrong. No exam is worth your own personal health.

What is a extent? When do I get my interval? (Girls Only Unless Your A Doctor)?

If it is indeed appendicitis, and you don't treat it, the appendix can rupture and cause a homicidal internal infection. You would miss your exams if you were deceased too. Get it checked out.

When do women go through the modification?

I don't know , it could be OR you might have the stomach virus explicitly going around

either course go to a DR FAST, if it's
appendicitis & you don't get hold of it taken care
of ( out) you can get an infection & that
can be deadly

honest luck & go to the DR !

What is the significant form of birth control?

How to test for appendic problem: Stand up straight, place your foot in the middle of your belly and push in. Then release the pressure (remove your hand/fingers) like greased lightning. Upon release, if there is a large degree of affliction (which there will be if its appendicitis) consequently go and see your doctor/hospital as an emergency. It may be stress though or your period (if you are a lady as expected!). Operation recovery from appendicitis removals are moderately quick if its removed back any leakage can turn out (i.e. quicker the recover the sooner its removed from patients body).

Hope the affliction goes away soon and GOOD LUCK FOR THE EXAM!

Shaving Queston?

go seize it checked out. if it is appendicitis you should press on the lower right section of the belly and release quickly you may touch tenderness here if its spread to the peritonitis. check your heat and see if it is elevated. you will probably feel nausea and vomiting. turn to doctor for better diagnosis.

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A breakneck questions for GIRLS ONLY.?

You requirement too get too a doctor ASAP and achieve this seen too...If it is your appendix you shouldnt run your chances..

If you entail too get it removed youll be out of hospital beside 2 or 3 days max...sometimes even overnight depending on recovery..

It will be a few weeks for you too restore your health , but your healths more important an here are exceptions for exams in these circumstances..particulary if your still at university.

Good luck

Why do i smell so bad?

If it is really urgent after go see someone. You don't want to be rushed to hospital approaching I was. As far as repossession goes- it varies near each individual, but appendicitis isn't something you can put stale to get fixed- you pretty much hold to go draw from it taken care of straight away- it's not something you can plan around.
Anyway of late go grasp checked- it could be something minor- you never know but finding out will at least confer you some relief so that you can verbs about it less- or fix it and achieve better faster.
I am assuming your school would furnish you special consideration if there be a health problem- and agree to you do the exam at a later date.
Just stir make sure you are ok first and consequently you can deal beside the exams.
Also if you are quite stressed out- they regularly have councilling services at civilizing institutions. They are understanding and can give support to you through the stressful times at school- that is what they are in attendance for.
Take care and I am sure everything will be fine.

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