Please backing urgently?


I simply got Mirena 2 weeks ago.?

Lifestyle change can make a BIG difference:
If you smoke, stop.
Keep your bulk down.
Get regular exercise.
Decrease the amount of sodium (salt) and increase the amount of potassium in your diet.
Limit your alcohol consumption.

These may help:
Coenzyme Q
Fish oil
Folic acid

Avoid these herb. They have be shown to raise BP:
Asian Ginseng
Rosemary essential oil

Other therapies--acupuncture, tai chi, yoga--may minister to too.

The best place to get hold of this information is a database called Natural Standard:
Only some of the information is available free. You might be capable of find an academic or medical library that have it. Some cities have consumer vigour libraries (often run by Planetree).

My upper arms are fatty than my body size so what is the solution" in womenanswers.orgs?

prescription pills, and stress smaller number is the best remedy, walking lowers mine considerably but not dangerously

Does anyone enjoy a good diet for getting rid of fibrous cysts?

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You enjoy to r e l a x. When i read your question, your large blood pressure is high. RELAX. Change your diet from glorious cholesterol diet to moderate. I think you come from the Philippines. Am I right? I could tell you're not from US. Adobo is thoroughly good contained by taste but doomed to failure for your heart. Eat this in moderation and don't use the sauce to pour over your rice for correct taste. Try to lower your cholesterol so blood pressure will move about down with it too. A lot of walking jog exercise - everyday is best for 45 min. - 1 hour. Vitamin C is very necessary. Garlic eat raw is suggested. Lots of green leafy green vegetables and smaller amount rice, because oil and sugar if too much is culprit too. Fiberous food close to celery, could help too.

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when you are asking this questions, its veryopen and get lots of answer though. i may need to know whether it fall over under hypetension or elevated blood pressure. it has the difference ya
if it is a mannish, i would suggest him to drink more green tea. it helps but the intake have to be a lot, truly 50 glasses a afternoon but i think 2 pot is in recent times nice.
as for female, i suggest you to run red tea.
if you get to progress pharmacy, ask for lecithin and vitamin E. it acts as round emulsifier in our blood capillary, the result is you might see fat surrounded by our poo.
take more vit C. besides we can prevent from getting one sick, it also help you to own stronger bond in our blood capillary. it helps to increase elasticity of it and not easy to acquire sudden death due to burst of vein.
if your heart is weak as okay, look for co-enzyme Q 10. it helps to boost up the stamina of heart and receive it function better, long run can help to moderate a bit too.
fish oil resembling omega 3 with DHA and EPA is fitting too. work almost the same approaching lecithin but more on lubricant
. try to take for one month. see the result
but still along the agency, you must still do light exercise. don ever try the sturdy one or else tat individual might get stroke or suddem release if too serious.
drink plenty of water , at smallest 3 to 4 litres of plain water and the food intake must not be fatty and try to be plain too. don cook things with filling taste close to tom yam and asam. steam fish and steam food thing is dutiful too.
emotion must be honourable too, don easily grasp angry or overstressed yourself with your work after . if you are not happy however always hold on to worry , your blood pressure will never shift down but always increase, so better control and swot anger management.
so, dutiful luck and take precision

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