Age 14 With Size 'E' Boobs?

what wrong?!

I have a Q around my boobs?

Nothing at all honey, its only just the way it is near some people. i have to start wearing a bra at 10 years old and go straight to a b cup and within a year i be wearing a dd cup. i,like you am very soon an e cup and although i have get used to the fact that i hold large boobs presently, when i was at college i hated it. There isnt a large amount you can do about them so cram to love them, lots of young girls are probably incredibly envious of you and as long as you eat healthily and don't catch a body hang up, thats the prime thing. Try to love what you hold.

Why do orgasms stop my menstrual cramps?

nothings wrong with you sweetie! thats freshly how your made :) If your not ok with it, you should discuss to your mom and see if she would take you for a consult next to a doctor.

Does anyone else get dizzy on their spell?

first of all thats not a size...second of thats unattainable unless u started ur period WAY hasty in time. come on "E"?

Birth Control/Period??

nothings wrong with you honey your newly going to have big boobs join up the club xx

How do I stop my period?

if your a really considerable person, thats a given.

If your small though, you may obligation to see a doctor. You may have some overactive hormones. I dunno.

What can you do to prevent excessive sweating on your frontage?

nothing is wrong

I'm 5 ft 9", my feet?

Nothing your basically growing faster then most

Period painss?

babes budge to a gyno and get urself mit not b something to verbs about but precaution is alwayz better than cure..

At roughly what age does a woman?

nothing wrong mate at least you havnt get 1 boob bigger than the other like me lol 1 a c the other a b its newly the way things are expected to be. cheer up it aint the end of the world xxx

My vagina itches but nearby is no white discharge comming outwhat could it be?

Nothing at all.. Lol. :)

Bra Problems!?

oh honey, I have a feeling for you! I was the exact same!Are you overweight?If so this will contribute to your cup size.If you are not overweight, consequently there's not much you can do!Invest within some good bras beside lots of support, as size E boobs can be quite hurtful to your back (I know from experiencem, I'm a G cup now at 22 and am not overweight =( ) If you are disconcerted by them you can get 'minimiser' bras, which are essentially the oppisite of wonderbras. They flatten you down and can make you look a cup size or more smaller.

Constant abdominal strain and hot flashes?

There is nothing wrong next to you. I do feel for you though, you're stern must ache. You call for to see a doctor for a reduction, but linger until you have stopped growing!

Can i use down removing creams for removing pelvic hairs.or hair at genital areas?

Nothing wrong with you its a moment ago the way you are turning out.

my wife have FF size and started developing them early as capably.

if you are worried see your nurse or doctor or speak with your mum.

Should I stop, and wish a real work?

Awww bless ya!

Not sure you should advertise that reality on the net hun, loads of pervs here!

I own yet to start my time for the first time and I have notice a discharge in my panties. HELP?

Nothing at adjectives. That is just who you are. I hold a 14 year old daughter who is an DD also know as an E. I myself have an F which is the equivalent of DDD - at 40 years old I have a reduction because of rear legs spasms. A reduction is foolish until you are either surrounded by your 20s or after having children. Simply be proud of who you are and know that heaps girls and woman will be jealous of you - wallow in !

Waxing arms?

I think what it is that
Your obese.
or really big.
And they of late come with.

I am womanly - 85 yrs and suffer from constant bladder infections - I take antibiotics but does not work. HELP!

Nothing is wrong! We are adjectives different shapes and sizes. Maybe you feel this agency as none of your friends are of similar size but this does not mean that in that is something wrong with your shape!

Whats wrong wit my foot?

aww bless ya!! theres nought wrong with you!! we are adjectives born different and have different shapes and sizes, it would be a boring world if we where on earth all equal!!

Birth control..?

i dont thing anything if woorried consult doctor but your lucky i hold small boobs.

My period is past due possibly preg? When to test?

Nothing wrong beside you, you just own big boob's, I once had a friend who wasn't overweight and have double h and had to catch her bra's made for her.

Can you plz help me?

Nothing's wrong, your basically growing faster than others. i am almost 14 and one of my mates have the same problem. Don't verbs about it! but if it REALLY bothers you, later talk to our mum x

Anyone diagnosed near PCOS and have no highest symptoms?

Nothing wrong with you. Mine are 32H.
It can be tricky at 14 when you get abundantly of male attention, and its not at you but your boobs, at that age I other tried to hide mine. In my latter teens I realised they can be an asset, the more confident I became the more I grew to similar to them.
In this day and age of cosmetic surgery youre not stuck we them for existence, but honestly wait until your at lowest possible 21 before you do anything drastic.
Loosing weightiness makes mine stir smaller.
Invest in fitting underwear. is really good for later years styles at cheap prices, and Bravissimo is great for young trendy styles next to sizes up to J.

How do I lose ten pounds fast?

theres nil wrong with you at adjectives ! i was bigger after you at your age . And im NOT obese ! your perfectly average , and dont mind the evil comments there jus controlling !!

Have u?..?

That's probably just your inheritance sweetie, but go to the doctor and hold him/her explain things to you.
I was roughly like peas in a pod size at that age. I can imagine what you are going thru.

Have your mom transport you shopping for a good fitting bra near lots of support.

Do guys get period?

My daughter is 14 with a 34DD. She have the same figure issues. Just get really angelic Bras. They cost more, but if they fit right, you won't look as big.
Don't stop participating in activities because of will grow into them, except, you can always gain a reduction. Good Luck. Keep your chin up.

I enjoy a question more or less cervical cysts?

awww dont worry
move about 2 the doctors and see wat they can do they might be able 2 help
or u might be immature to get breast retrenchment so y not wait lol


There's nought wrong at all, that's purely who you are. =)

How many days does your length last if you are lower than 30?

nothing wrong,you just get a great set of boobs & you got them pretty early on,be proud of them babe

How do i no if my boyfriend loves me?

nothings wrong, your merely lucky.

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