cause there is this celebration i wanna go to and i inevitability to slim down 15-28 pounds before after! help plz


Why does sex hurt, especially surrounded by doggie?


Am i Overweight?

hmmm only if you do it by adjectives off an arm or something. Otherwise, i would definately mull over it's unsafe.

I have fairly saggy boobs and?

no should only loose similar to 2 pounds a day to stay fighting fit

I have a cyst or something on my collar bone, what is it?

NO! It is totally unsafe...not to mention sick!

Things that make you say-so huh?

Dream on!! If you can even do it, noooooo it's not won't own an ounce of energy...and probably collaspe..

Should I shave sour all of my pubic fleece or just trim it or make tracks it the same as in a minute?What do guys like?

I don't cogitate that's possible, unless you ate like nought for 5 days. Which isn't healthy.

Why is it that.?

as long as you don't cut past its sell-by date a leg to do so.

Does weight watchers really lend a hand you lose weight?

Losing that much weightiness in so little time can injure your body. The most you should lose is 1-2 pounds a week.

Ive always wondered, why is breast cancer more commen contained by women?

you can starve yourself, and excercise and still not lose that much in 5 days, yours degree must be broken and it all depends if you be fat consequently it could be a great thing and if your skinny consequently it could be bad.

Why do I catch pains in my chest?

I don't know if it's safe but if you numeral out a way share some people you could take home some serious money! :)

Vagina hair?

The individual way I can see it one safe is if you give birth!

Do girls care?

Yes. But produce sure your doctor is okay with that. All depends upon how much you weigh. If you are 300 lbs next this is easy. Otherwise noy

When will it break?

Um not solely would trying be dangerous but i chew over its almost impossible.

being delighted with who you are and how u look is much more attractive to others than trying to loose that much freight and risk your health.

For girls near periods.?

nope you can't enless you get lip-suction which would take weeks of seizure.

Is this ok?

Unless you have gone through a key weight fall surgery then yeah I would consider it unsafe. If you do attain that sort of counterbalance reduction, most of it is going to be hose down weight so be wary of dehydration...

Does losing your virginity hurt?

NO it is not safe. Besides, adjectives that weight you might "lose" is not overweight it is water counterbalance. Your body NEEDS that water! be proud of yourself and if you must lose counterweight do it safely-cardio.

Im concerned about that inkling of a period spasm?

r u kidding? it is NOT undamaging AND Its dumb and almost impossible. if you do though you'll be the laughing stock at the party because population will think youre lame and shallow. its not all in the order of looks. if a guy wants to procure laid and if he's desperate he's not going to measure your thighs.

Re: Tubal Ligation?

only if you're 800 pounds. It's also probably impossible

I hold been taking danazol for four months it finished 10 days ago when do i carry my period?

definitely not, specifically too drastic in too short a time. i don't give attention to it could be done even if you didn't eat a single feast from now to later.

Hysterectomy - was it worth it?

Does that include the coffin's substance?

Why does my friens get urine infection it because of too much sex ? or something else ?

You give the impression of being really smart so you should already know that it is easy and undisruptive to lose 28 lbs minimum in 5 days.

Do not eat or drink anything for 5 days, smoke as heavily as possible to curb your appetite, and whip tons of laxatives. Exercise about 12 hours a afternoon as well.

Good luck!

Females Only - Health Question?

No, it's not. The commonplace time for losing 28 is about 3-4 months, not 5 days. Trying to lose weightiness that quickly would be extremely detrimental to your vigour, and could lead to fuzz loss and menstruation problems, among many other things. If you want to look slimmer, apply a sunless tanner (tans put together you look smaller!) and wear something flattering. But do not try to lose 28 pounds in 5 days. You could seriously dehydrate yourself and lead to main health complications, except worse.

Let me rephase(my question be called if you be.?)?

That is so not healthy. What you should do is crunches, bike, and hurry threw your neighborhood. You should also eat improved before the deputation. The most you can even lose healthily is a pound a day. Good luck, and don't do anything drastic!

I necessitate a new birth control method!!? HELP!!?

no not really. its almost impossible.

Birth control question- I bring the pill regularly every day, but between the times of 5-8 contained by the morning so,..

Unless you mean by lypo- no.
It is impossible to loose that much bulk in 5 days. Even if you starve yourself you will not loose more than 5 lbs total (and you'll gain it and more wager on the second you start eating again).
Instead of freaking just about yor weight do this-
stir out and get a up to date haircut. Just a cut, not a dry and hose and all that can cost resembling 20$ and not break the bank. A tentative cut even if just a trim will label you look sleeker.
Go out and get a trial outfit, or just a shirt of you do not enjoy cash to blow. A bright color will craft people focus on your nature and not your waist.
Do your nails- pink or a clear coat. Makes you look classy.
If you want try a self bronzer lotion to get a connotation of a golden glow, this will craft you look slimmer.
Do all of this stuff and practice smiling, smiles win ancestors over all the time!
Do this and forget a crash diet and family will say "wow you look great" gauranteed. Instead of the agree to down of a failed diet.

I be aware of shy to ask that my clits are so long.?

I'm going to vote that it is not safe at adjectives! I don't even think it's possible.

Just nearly any nutritionist will tell you it is nontoxic to loose up to 2 lbs every week.good luck!!

What are some symptomes of unbalenced hormone plane in a 19 year hoary girl?

The only means of access you could do that is if you have lipo-suction. This would not really help you though, because I own heard that you are swollen surrounded by the area for at smallest a few weeks. This procedure could not really be considered safe because every surgery have risks.
I think you really know the answer to this question up to that time you even asked it! There is no safe passageway to loose even 10 pounds in 5 days.
You know that you hold to have a exercise program and a diet that contains smaller amount calories than your body would burn to sustain itself to loose weight.
1 pound = going on for 3,600 calories
No party or personality is worth risking your life for. Learn to LOVE and except yourself and bit by bit change the things that you do not approaching over a reasonable amount of time.
The hoary saying go, ( Rome was not built within a day) and neither were you!
Good luck and GOD bless!

Is this middle-of-the-road discharge?

Absolutely not. Its too much work on your internal organs. But listen, there are much more earth-shattering things in life than looking worthy at a party. If this is to impress a boy, he'll be more impressed if youre comfortable person yourself. But if you really want to look nice, try shopping at a store that doesnt sell clothes made for models. That's not an insult, its realness. Most people's bodies are not shaped approaching a models. I'm a size 13, and I am happy person that size until i reach my aim weight, which is going to purloin me about 2 MORE MONTHS (I'm with the sole purpose losing 2-2 1/2 lbs a week, the safest way to do it). I'm still competent to find clothes that are flattering on me, and alot of them wouldnt look good on someone who be pencil thin. I mostly shop at stores that pass larger sizes,.hot topic, aeropostale, body central, even walmart have some cute stuff for teens/20s. JC Penney is a good bet if you want a cute dress. They will most possible be in near the more formal stuff, but they do carry sundresses and such. Also, the above mentioned places fetch really cute bathing suits in larger sizes, even really cute bikinis. I'm not ashamed of my body, but I'm not an exhibitionist either. I usually do wear a bikini to the shore or pool, though. I think human being comfortable in your own skin is truly sexy.

What do they do in a physical?

i suppose the most you can lose is prob bout 10 pounds in 5 days but that really does product a diffrence

Can someone answer my question please?


Girls: what do you do to poop softer?


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