I hold a UTI and taking antibiotics but that anibiotics basis yeast infection what should I do?

please i am desperate

Answers:    This happens to a lot of empire including me.

I suggest getting out the Monostat and start treating it now.

In the future you may want to take cranberry tablets or extract- the juices have too much sugar which the microbes feeds off of and can merely make UTI's worse and also Colloidal Silver as a natural antibiotic.

Remember to other wipe from the front to the back and pee right after having sex. The pee wash away the bacteria. I use to get them horrible after sex until the doctor told me this trick and it works approaching a charm. Also making sure no bubble baths or if you do wash down that area beside clean plain water afterwards. Hot tubs can also produce this too. Sitting around in a wet bathing suit.

Just drink plenty of liquid.

I hope you feel better soon. They hurt so bad. .
First things first, within order of importance. Treat your UTi, afterwards take some poly-antibiotic resistant bacilus, like Enterogermin, to restore your organic flora. Go to your local drug store and buy an over the counter yeast infection cream. Like vagisil or monostat..
Eat yogurt! you can even put it down there. But I never tried that. I'm a little leary abt that. Just use monastat.

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