For girls with period.?

If I become more active can I loose my time of year?? stop having my time, More active than when I have my periods? OR do you know of anyone that have experienced this? serious answers please??

Why can't you leave a tampon surrounded by for more than 8 hours?

No such luck!

Is it usual for your lips to achieve bigger from the time your 14 to 20-ish????

If you become sexually active you will loose it for at smallest 9 months.

LADIES - your favourite condom please..?

Sorry... you cannot "lose" your extent... until menopause, or removing your reproductive organs...

Menstruating is part of a woman's time and is NOT MEANT to stop until it decides to stop itself.

Anyone doing the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk? Need worthy fundraising ideas!?

only if you turn on birth control pills

How tall will I be?

lots of family lose their periods. Athletes sometimes do because they own to much muscle, body builders lose their periods(well not all the time obviously), some models do because they are too skinny. But it's happen but only if you are WAY underweight or WAY muscley. Hope that help

Dieing with extent cramps!!?

very active girls tend to skip period a best friend be very live in illustrious school...played volleyball, basketball, help coach younger teams, and did deeply of camps during the summer and her period were irregular...she with the sole purpose had one roughly every other month or even longer...its normal

I enjoy absolutely regular cycle.However this month i spotted as much as a dot for 4-5 days why did this happen

no, runnign around will not stop ur uterus from acting. surgery is the onyl answer for that

I hold discharge constandly flowing ..?

if you begin to realize that your length is becoming irregular or you are missing your period it is becuase your body doesn't enjoy enough of the biddable stuff to produce your period, or that you simply aren't getting adjectives the nurtrients your body needs. I hold had this experience due to a colossal weight loss. If you fire up to loose your period, it is markedly bad and you should put in the picture someone. If you are going to begin excersizing more afterwards you need to be paid sure you are eating ample and not losing a lot of immensity. Many girls with consumption disorders don't get their period which also causes your bones to become more brittle near every missed period.

Ok freaking out! please please answer!?

If you're remarkably active, and you are missing period see a doctor. That stuff is not normal. Take it from me. I be seroiusly active contained by high university and didn't miss a period. The solely great thing going on for being really active is that you don't procure bad cramps when PMS rolls around.

Now if you are taking drugs later that could be something to stop your periods.

The certainty that you are questioning this at adjectives means that you are stressing alot which can stop your term or you're pregnant. Stress can cause someone to enjoy irregular periods. Irregular period are periods that are 28 to 35 days apart and happen every month/

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