What are some symptomes of unbalenced hormone rank in a 19 year matured girl?


Womans advice please.?

sudden increase of body quill, sudden appearance of unusual acne.

that's all i know.

If u wnat consult an endocrinologist.

Natural Birth Control!?

Could be frequent things, hair growth on chin, famine of periods or acne, it depends on what hormones are out of wack.

Alot of discharge until that time i get my time of year?

a prominent brow and facial mane =)

Do you think i should lug the test?

bi polar, or tri polar :)

Is this everyday during pregnancy?

Symptoms of female hormone discrepancy (in alphabetical order)
Acne or oily skin
Bone loss
Decreased fertility
Excess facial and body hair
Hot flashes
Heavy or sore periods
Irregular periods
Loss of muscle mass
Loss of scalp hair
Low libido
Memory lapses
Mood swings
Night sweats
Poor concentration
Sleep disturbances
Tender or fibrocystic breasts
Urinary incontinence
Vaginal dryness
Weight gain

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