Why does sex hurt, especially in doggie?
Usually sex from behind is ghastly. If feels resembling someone is jabbing my ovaries... errr...
Missionary can be bloody at times but not like doggie. Am I in recent times small inside or is there some crazy deformation I should verbs about?
Women with the sole purpose please?
My obgyn always asks if it's bloody when I have sex.. It shouldn't be..If he hits bottom and hits the cervix that in recent times means your short surrounded by side and your boyfriend shouldnt penetrate so far..That does hurt.. It's not cuz your too small. You know how the vajj can stretch to birth a child. Not to scare you, but, Something is probabably wrong, and I would grasp it checked ..cysts, tumors..endrometriosis..std..a... girl.. go to the dr..:(
It hurts up inside? I would step to the OB and tell him that sex is scratchy, you could have Endometriosis, or and infection or something.
You could have some defect tissue. I did and it hurt especially in doggie.
He may also be to big or you hold a bladder infection.
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