Why does my friens seize urine infection regularly.is it because of too much sex ? or something else ?


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could be, but what is too much? maintain proper hygiene will help. It includes ratification urine before n after sex and wash genitals regularly immediately after sex. drinking plenty of river will also be good.

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You can't get a urine infection through too much sex - near's no such thing!
However you can go and get it through poor hygiene after sex and not keeping yourself clean.



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Urine infection im no Doctor but have some medical experience and i would vote one.. from holding it in too much .. Two lack of cleanliness... or if its a womanly it is bad to run bubble baths no myth true..

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drink water and cranberry liquid lots of it

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Some women can get uti's from have sex-not from too much sex but being prone to them.Thorough cleansing afterward should be done and you should consult a doctor for treatment.

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Women get bladder infections (urine) undemanding especially if sexually active. A couple tips if your friend know shes going to have sex she should use the restroom right previously (and pee) but we don't always know ahead of time but any way every time you enjoy sex after you are done you need to use the restroom and pee and spawn sure you wipe well. And the more you hold sex the more prone you are to get an infection to be precise why they call it The Honeymoon Disease!! Make sure she get an antibiotic for it or it can go to you your kidney and that is to say no fun at all it hurts. Hope this help.

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Women are more prone to them than men for barefaced reasons. Maybe this is simply one infection that keeps frequent and needs sorting out beside just one strong course of antibiotics. If she's just used over-the-counter stuff and cranberry juice formerly, something stronger should sort her out. It's less to do near hygeine and more to do with the route she's made!

Could also be overuse of antibiotics, banging against the urethra during sex... any number of things. People seize more as they age too. She should see her doctor. Good luck!

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your friends of late a dirty scuzzer and should keep her legs closed until she learn how to keep her vag verbs

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Some folks get repeated urine infections because they enjoy a low immune system, doesnt mean she is have a lot of sex. But that can also be a contributory factor. Some individuals are just susceptable to some infection or other, beside me its my throat.

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Sex causes microbes from the rectal area etc to be spread to the urinary tract. Using extra lubricant make it sloppier (without being too crude!). Also, have frequent sex and not having adequate lubricant causes thrush (yeast infection) otherwise prearranged as cystitis and 'honey mooners disease'.
The bacteria spreads up the urinary tract into the bladder. The consequent infection is agreed also as Urinary Tract Infection UTI.
Women get this more habitually then men due to a smaller urinary tract.(the germs for a male does not take home the distance). It is suggested that after sex that the women has a wee this will flush any germs away.
Your friend could buy from the chemist some urinary alkalisers i.e 'ural' or mix a teaspoon of bicarb of soda in a glass of hose and drink this. This will take some of the sting away.
She will involve to see the dr when she has a UTI and provide a urine taster to help find the cause bacteria and appropriate anibiotics.
Hope this help,.....

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If she is sexually involved, going to bathroom right after can help. Wiping front to vertebrae instead of back to front too. Drink cranberry liquid. See your doctor. =)

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No its not too much sex at adjectives i should know ! i always bring these things they are not nice its just some relatives are prone to them drinking plenty of water or cranberry liquid will help.

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Right - firstly, it has zilch to do with too much sex.

Recurrent UTI can own various root cause, mine for example is a narrow tube which scheme bacteria builds up smoothly. A simple op fixed it. If she is getting infections that require anti biotics regularly she should ensure that she has further investigation to determine the do.

Some of the advice surrounded by these answer is excellent, if she has a short tube (very common) she must label sure she gos to the toilet regularly especially after sex. Also when wiping stir from front to back. Most society don't have to verbs because the length of the tube stops the germs reaching the bladder but if you don't then this is essential

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Fact - the feminine urethra(pee tube) is about 4cm long.
Fact - it is really common for women to bring a urinary tract infection
Fact - sex can be a CONTRIBUTING factor
Fact - antibiotics do work but occasionally you might need an longer course IE. up to 3 months, seriously, also the urine requirements to be tested by a lab to ensure that you are on the right antibiotics.
Fact - taking over the counter preparations for cystitis really can help but seldom get rid of a true infection
Fact - peeing after sex can relieve shift bacteria which can well ravel up the urethra
Fact - a bruised urethra from sex is very painfull and can front to cystitis
A bit of advice - dont mix front and backbone holes when having sex as this really can spread infection

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