Is there a examination to see if you're a nympho?

i would like to know if in attendance is such a test? if nearby is let me know, thank U!

Do any of those herbal breast fortification pills actually work?


Im not pregnant m i?


How long did it run you to get you rperiod support?

When you find out let me know:)

Does it hurt to use a tampon the first time?

um, if you want to hold sex constantly, you might be a nympho

Help I haven't had my extent yet!?

Yes. I am the theory test.

Can bulimia cause a missed time?

What time can you get to my place, we'll definatley find out.

Ladies, Unisex bathroom in dorm.what would you enjoy done?

Is your vagina sore?

If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, you might be a nympho. Consult your doctor.

PCOS quiz?

if you have to ask you probably are.
but theres no problem beside that!

A question for women.?

Yes. You inevitability reservations, but call and I can fit you contained by.

Smelly excessive yellowish dischargepretty thickcan i treat it as a yeast infection?

Yes I have one. If you nick it with me I can almost guarantee you will exceed it.

Are growing pains a myth?

yeah I am a Professional nympho tester I will tell you for sure.

For maintain flat stomach?

Yes there is, move about to a therapist and they'll run through it contained by the course of their first interview.

I'm wondering if I am getting my period!?

i dunno if theres a try-out but i think your a nympho if have sex is getting in the way of living your go..

Is it bad to cross your legs?

Ha ha ha you are the most stupid girl I've ever hear! I mean c'mon use that damn brain! Even though I don't suggest you have one, HAHAHA YOU ARE SUCH A F**KIN IDIOT! HAHAHA YOU'RESO STOOPID IT MAKES ME LAUGH!


Has anyone here have chlamydia before?

Well, you are most predictable young and your hormones are on over-drive, so, some of those sexual cravings are comparatively normal. However, resembling any other addiction, if it starts to consume your life, if the point of your life is compromised consequently you need to find a 12 step program approaching AA NA GA OA.(for alcoholics, gamblers, narcotics and over eaters). I am sure if you contact one of these 12 step programs they can lead you to a program for inhabitants who have sexual addiction. Good luck!

I hold tried everything when i shave my legs i get cut-throat burn and it hurts really bad what doi do HELP?

Sure in attendance is. Have sex at every possible opportunity. If you find yourself getting tired of it, ending it beforehand the other does, or passing up some likelihood, you're not a nymphomaniac.

Is it ok to have a colposcopy while on your time ?

Come over to my house and I will give you an evaluation

Sharp lower abdominal torment!?

i'm sure you could find a "joke" test online... look in a therapist or MD and I'm sure they could evaluate that for you.

Im gonna start the nuva ring on saturday for the first time i requirement to know do i take it out on 21st afternoon or?

none that i know of specifically, however, there are test for addictive personalities, anyone addicted to sex falls into that category.

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