Will my doctor hold me seriously?

i am an 18yr old girl, i own seriously bad period, cramping in my back lower tummy legs and even contained by my bum, my periods arent tremendously regular and seem to be getting worse beside time.

I tried for a baby for a year, i worked out ovulation date and took all colloquial tablets to help me.

My aunt have endometriosis and i read it can be genetic..?

I am seriously worried, ive looked up the signs of endo and i seem to enjoy them all.

i want to travel to my doctor, but im worried she will put it down to being young at heart and having unpromising periods, i dont reflect she will take me seriously... i inevitability to know, i need to put my mind at rest.

What do you feel?

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I construe you have plentifully of the classic symptoms of endo. Problem is, it can only be diagnosed through a laparoscopy-a minimally invasive, usually outpatient, surgery. Go to your dr., explain all of your symtoms to her and if she dismisses you, do your best to find a dr. that specializes in endo, although truthfully most dr.'s that do not specialize in endo are close to helpless in long possession relief/treatment. Finding a dr. that is knowledgable contained by endo is hard to find but explicitly what you need to treat endo properly. Trust me, any dr. that specializes contained by endo would not dismiss you b/c of your symtoms and if she does she would not be the right dr. to treat you for it. This happens to abundant women b/c so many obgyns are not literary with the disease. I believe that those near a family history do hold a higher break of having endo. Please, doesn`t matter what happens near your current dr., research endo a lot, here is a lot of misinformation out in that and there are some treatments that dr.'s love to prescribe that abundant women have horrific side effects from. Arming yourself beside knowledge will allow you to weed through the dr.'s that don't know much more or less it and will allow you to make the decision concerning treatment that are best for you. A few important things to know, endo can not be diagnosed through ultrasound, MRI or an exam, it can individual be diagnosed through a lap, nearby is no cure for endo and your best shot at relief is to own every bit of it excised-most dr.'s laser it off which does not take rid of all of it and most do not believe that you can even remove adjectives of it-but the true endo specialists do just that-lasering stale the endo and/or not getting it all is the basic reason women do not find nouns or it is short lived-after surgery, pregnancy does not cure endo but some of the symptoms may subside while you are pregnant and although you sound as if you want children and would not soar at the chance for a hysterectomy-but estrogen is what endo thrives on and unfortunatly endo produces it's own estrogen-it so have a hyst doesn't cure endo either. I would suggest going to www.obgyn.lattice and going to the endo zone and reading through the message board, very supportive and knowledgable group of women who make out exactly what you are going through and the topics include just in the order of everything endo related. I hope this helps and angelic luck.

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Well, if she doesn't take you seriously later you need a different doctor.

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If your doctor wont take you seriously later you need to obtain a new one. A accurate doctor isn't judgemental and if you have a horror about something afterwards they should check it out and put your mind to rest. Just go and notify her whats up, and ask about the possibilities and symptoms of it. If she insists thats not what it is minus doing any testing, explain to her to give you a really well brought-up reason why its not. Then bring a new doctor if nought else.

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First of adjectives if your doctor does not take you seriously after you have every right to find another doctor. Doctor run the Hippocratic oath to help make well. If they do not follow it then progress to someone that does.
Go to your doctor and present all of your symptoms surrounded by a honest and open attitude. Stress to the doctor that the pain is serious backache and mention that endometriosis is in your relations history.
The best medicine is standing up for yourself.

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If you enjoy a good doctor she will pinch you seriously, if you have a doctor that doesn't clutch you seriously, find a new one. I would give the name and make an appointment to progress over your symptoms with your doctor and draw from an exam done. Worst thing that can start is she brushes it off as zilch, then you can be in motion get a second view if you want to. Good Luck.

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you should just progress to the doctor. they are professinals and will get relations like you asking question like that every single week, she will put in the picture you exactly what you need to know. even if this wasnt the suitcase, whats the worse that could happen?

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if nshe doesnt cart you seriously then bring up to date her you will see another doctor. and dont let her hold you back, because its in plain sight she didnt know what she was doing i the first place. since ur 18, approaching i am, you can see and adult doctor. also to prove to your doctor you are really serious, track your period in a jounral.

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I think you should move about to your doctor. I had really fruitless periods (although they be pretty regular), but I would have cramps so unpromising, I couldn't barely move. I finally go to my doctor, told her about my problems and have a full work up and an ultra sound. I be expecting to get a diagnosis of endometriosis or poly-cystic ovarian disease. Nope. I found out I enjoy 2 fully functional, full size uterouses.

Do go see your doctor. Tell her adjectives of your symptoms. There are so many different things they can try to dampen the severity of cramps and keep you on rota. Good luck.

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you're 18 why on earth are you trying to enjoy a baby? walk to college... get a level... be able support your child and know how to spend time with it!

Try getting on some type of birth control, it usually help with the unwanted symptoms of have a period and some will serve regulate you. Provera seems to be the top choice. Avoid the depo shot, it's awful. The side effects suck.

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You are not too infantile to have endometriosis; especially if it's inherent. These symptoms are not normal for mestruation and can be remarkably debilitating. See your people doctor or a gynecologist. You shouldn't have to suffer every month (or as regularly as you have your period) close to that.

If the doctor you see happens to vote s/he thinks you're too infantile, seek another judgment.

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Do some research online and find a doctor in your nouns who specializes in endometriosis. If zilch else, get a referral to a reproductive endocrinologist, they specialize here kind of entity so they'll be most helpful. I hold both PCOS and endometriosis and have spent years finding doctors I'm comfortable near. Especially with your loved ones history, doctors WILL take you seriously. The merely way they can diagnose endo is through a laparoscopy, they can try to treat it short surgery with a BCP but that doesn't other help. Ask your doctor roughly Meclomen, it's an NSAID like Aleve or Advil, but it does something neither of those do - it reduce your flow - less flow scheme less misery when it comes to endo. It could be a lifesaver - I know it's helped me a LOT!
But yes, they should embezzle you seriously. If your doc doesn't, that's a sign you need to find a untried one!

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