Has anyone here had chlamydia past?

Have you have chlamydia have it cleared out with antibotics and be completely STD free afterwards, or did you own something else as well... I have chlamydia and no other std's but scared i might own HIV because I had chlamydia I havent have alot of sexual partners

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I never have Chlamydia, but yes it can be cleared with antibiotics. Also, you should also procure tested for Gonorrhea because if you have one, you might hold the other STD too. All it takes is one time for you to contracts any STD, my direction is to not worry yourself to loss with wondering if you hold HIV. Get tested! Remember that you are precious, you only bring back one life! Don't refuse it. RAP IT UP! No Glove NO LOVE!

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Yes, be smart. Especially if you want to enjoy children someday. Std's can make you sterile or your children could be born blind. But also, here is no sense worrying yourself away for it. If you have any concerns after consult a doctor. Best of luck!

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STDs can be terrifying but with the correct diagnosis and treatment, they can be manage and, in various cases, cured. Chlamydia can be easily treated and cured next to antibiotics, which may be administered in a single dose or taken over the course of a week. Pregnant women may be treated effectively with antibiotics in need harming their fetus.

Patients should purloin all prescribed medication, even if symptoms are gone or disappear. Once chlamydia is diagnosed, all current and departed sexual partners should be informed and treated to avoid reinfection. Patients and their sexual partner should avoid sexual contact until treatment is completed.

Patients are not usually retested for chlamydia after completing the medication unless symptoms persist or reinfection is suspected.

Please hold a look at this women's site for more information on chlamydia as I think it will help some of your fears : )


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You can be tested for chlamydia and purloin antibiotics for that which will clear it up but will need to be tested seperately and given specific medication for any other infections.

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