Is it desperate to cross your legs?

i have sit with my legs crossed probably starting when i be around seven now i am fourty. i cross them every time i sit down, eventually after a long priod of crossing my top leg get numb. i have hear that crossing your legs can cause capillary problems, back problems, and hip problems, i dont own any at all, but is this true that it is discouraging? do you cross your legs also? and are you aware it might be bad?


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National Survey: Leg Crossing Is Taboo But Women Indulge Anyway
NEW YORK, May 24, 1999 -- Almost half (45 percent) of American women cross their legs most or nearly adjectives the time, even though 75 percent know that it is bad for circulation, according to a national survey released today to blemish the Venastat Great American Cross-OutTM.

"Leg crossing has become second outlook for many women, but they should a moment ago say 'No' to the behavior as a simple first step toward keeping their legs wholesome," said Luis Navarro, M.D., director of the Vein Treatment Center and surgeon at Beth Israel Medical Center, both in New York City.

The survey was sponsored by Venastat, a dietary supplement for leg strength marketed by Pharmaton Natural Health Products. It be released for the second annual Venastat Great American Cross-Out, which calls for women to stop crossing their legs for a single morning -- Wednesday, May 26 -- as part of Leg Health Awareness Week (May 23 - 29).

Leg crossing is a issue of routine rather than manners for women, 72 percent of whom voice they do it out of habit, 69 percent because it is more comfortable and 44 percent because they be taught it is polite, the survey showed. Men, in opposition, are creatures of comfort, with 72 percent wise saying they cross their legs because it is more comfortable, 57 percent out of habit and 13 percent because they be taught it is polite.

"Women stipulation to realize how pervasive this habit is and that's why we are urging them to see off to a well again future by joining us in the Venastat Great American Cross-Out," said Suzanne Slattery, senior product inspector for Venastat at Pharmaton Natural Health Products.

In honor of participants contained by this year's Cross-Out, the company is donating $50,000 to Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW), a national organization whose affiliates train low-income women for better-paid job that aren't traditionally held by women, such as plumbing, electrical wiring and cabinetmaking. Training includes skills instruction and fitness classes to develop upper body and leg strength.

Keeping legs healthy is historic at a time when more women are working in physically demanding jobs and an increasing number are returning to work after pregnancy, which is the single biggest make happen of poor leg vein vigour. If leg health is not maintain, women may experience normal unsatisfactory leg circulation (NIC), which involves tired legs, sensations of leg tension and leg swelling. Among the estimated one in 10 American women who experience NIC, most are over age 35.

Surprisingly simple steps can comfort most women maintain leg condition. They include:

low-impact exercise such as walking

switching your birth control pill to a low estrogen formulation to avoid hormonal changes that can wreak havoc on artery walls (part of the reason pregnancy triggers leg problems for frequent women)

taking dietary supplements made of standardized horse chestnut seed extract, which have been clinically shown to promote leg capillary circulation and help protect against leg swelling

avoiding crossing your legs
"Crossing your legs will really slow the flow of blood from your leg vein up to your heart, will increase the pressure inside your leg veins and will distend the vein in your lower leg and ankle," said Dr. Navarro.
The Venastat survey on leg crossing in America found that men are no different than women when it comes to acting against their own better pronouncement. One in five men (21 percent) say he crosses his legs most or nearly all the time, despite 45 percent knowing it may impair circulation, the survey shows.

As far as leg crossing style, most women choose to cross at the knees (51 percent) but men are equally likely to cross at the knees or at the ankles (both 31 percent), the survey showed.

In terms of body jargon, leg crossing speaks volumes. Most women (59 percent) and men (65 percent) say they believe leg crossing is a method of flirting for women. It also lend a touch of class, according to 51 percent of women and 71 percent of men who say it make a woman look elegant.

Men grasp turned on when women cross their legs, with 70 percent adage they feel a woman looks sexy when she crosses her legs, the survey found. Women are smaller quantity likely to scenery their leg-crossing sisters the same method, with solitary 47 percent saying it make a woman look sexy.

Among persistent leg crossers, women cross their legs most normally during social situations (51 percent), reading (35 percent) and watching TV (32 percent), the survey showed. For men, the most common scenario for crossing legs are while watching TV (41 percent), relaxing at home (39 percent) and reading (37 percent).

Finally, younger women are more likely than their mothers or grandmothers to hold grown up with the warning that crossing your legs is the polite way to sit. Seven out of ten childish women say they be taught this compared to almost partly of Baby Boomer women and only one surrounded by four older women. (70 percent for women below age 35; 43 percent for women age 35 to 55; 25 percent for women age 55 and older.)

What is **?

no its not discouraging. it just shows that you respect you self

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I cross my legs alot I dont know how it would it affect your viens but im not a doctor

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Yes. In very impossible situations crossing your legs can cause blood clots that can travel to you lungs, brain etc.

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no problem..
i've been doing that since i be a young child n i still cross my leg whenever i sit on the flr.
it have never affected me within any way at adjectives..
so do not worry.

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i do cross my legs, but i am not suffering any of the above either. Even though we can't see it or have a feeling it, dosen't mean that it's not at hand. Just try not to cross them so much, and be careful. Though it seem that whenever i cross my legs, it makes me quality more and more un-flexible. i never really was though.


Thats bogus. I cross my legs adjectives the time. So does my grandmother and she's 72. Vein problems make no sense. Back and hip perchance, but I think thats lame.

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I hear crossing your legs can be bad for circulation. Hence, why after long period of time your legs go numb. Also I hear it does not help spider vein. I am only 22 and start to interest some and I hardly cross my legs. I hear it mostly hereditary and that crossing them or not they will be in that...not cool :(

I would just try to cut down on corssing your legs and since your one and only forty, maybe the problems will come up then in vivacity if you continue.

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Yep, they can front to health problems. It's not apt for our bones really, and it also leads to varicose vein. It;s good u havent have any problems yet, but you still could own, and you are also more likely to carry varicose veins immediately as it basically cuts sour the blood supply. But i know its hard to stop! I other cross my legs too but im trying to cut down :)

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My Grandma other told me that it was discouraging...for those same reasons...sorry! I newly don't know if its true. But I've been doing it since I be about 11.

I'm 15 and getting my extent twice a month. and many other problems. Help?

I don't know, I'm not a doctor, I cross mine too, but it's easier to put my departed leg up rather than my right.

If a woman be trying to have a babe for 4 months and was un successfuk does that miserable she cannot have kids ?

I hold had two hip surgeries. All of the surgeons I enjoy seen, hold said that even people who own no hip problems should not cross their legs.
Poor circulation; this can interfere with heart problems and inflict pain surrounded by the legs.
Hip stability; The hips have a raw aliment. Crossing your legs is not natural. This can incentive wear and tear on the combined.
Back pain; can exact lower back headache. The spine has three untaught curves and when you sit crossed legged some tend to shift their body weight taking the spine out of ailment also.

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