Ladies, Unisex bathroom in dorm.what would you have done?

I go visiting my boyfriend within his new dorm. He have a co-ed dorm with a co-ed floor. I needed to pee really, really impossible and he said don't worry the bathroom is co-ed. As I walk in I be releaved to see a couple girls walk out near towels wrapped around them. But I got a shock as I open the door and there be 2 huge guys completly naked toweling sour. They just said hi and go back to chitchat about the football program. I get a second shock when I saw the stalls had no doors and face directly these nude dudes. I had to pee so fruitless I had no choice but pee surrounded by front of 2 naked strangers facing me who made no attempt to squirrel away their swinging members as I peed. I finished and rushed out.

What would you own done in that situation? Would you enjoy kept you eyes shut the whole time peeing?
Whould you enjoy turned and left at first peep of naked strangers?

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I too would database a complaint with the resident guru. I've got two kids within college and both live in coed dorms but they do not own coed bathrooms. Women's bathrooms are down one side of the hall and the men's are down the other.
Relieving yourself is a a bit private matter and I would own felt massively uncomfortable, probably to the point of not anyone able to run. What would you have done if you have to go more that basically pee?
Also, what if it were the men and women taking a shower together instead of newly the guys? Something doesn't seem right,

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i would wallet a complaint to the dean and told them i have a right to my privacy and boycotted the bathrooms.

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wow to be exact like super awkward i enjoy no idea but i would own prolly gone to the gas station or anywhere else. that is shameful!

What to do?

I would have asked them politely if they could possibly scooch a short time to the right so I could have my privacy. I'm sure they wouldn't own minded. If for some reason they be jerks and wouldn't move, I would hold probably got my boyfriend (if I have to pee really bad, to ask them if he could pass me privacy) and if not, I would own waited for a gas station!

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this is going to be down to a individuals own boundaries but i doubt most women when faced near this without admonition would like it too much, possibly next time you look in you can find a nearby restaurant or a disabled toilet surrounded by the dorm would probably only own one stall, don't do anything you dont feel comfortable beside even if everyone else views it as the norm

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Well I don't see the problem, I would have merely peed like you did. Have you never see naked guys? if they weren't harassing you or anything after you should just savour the community experience of being so close to the converse sec while peeing haha.


=\ This is just another idea for me to save adjectives my money so I can live in an apartment during college..

Eventually I would really necessitate to go and I would in recent times put up my own blockade (attach a sheet, or something..) Or you could go astern the building and build your own outhouse.. Or just walk behind the building taken as a whole.

If it was your own dorm, I'd ask assent to turn the closet into a bathroom, paid for adjectives by yourself! I mean, you hold a dresser anyway. (I'm in a college program for girls [entering 9th-entering college] and we stayed in dorm rooms adjectives the time. We had uber amounts of room.)

Yeahh.. I construe I'd hang around and keep on until they left, after locked the door and used the facilities. I'm only daring approaching that.

Girls, please help!?

I would enjoy peed. They are probably used to it and you are all adults and so it shouldn't really concern. It wouldn't make a difference to me especially if the guys be good looking.

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