Can bulimia cause a missed interval?

i have bulimia and enjoy had it for a few months immediately but this is the 1st month i miss my period.. could bulimia be to blame?

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First off agree to me start by saying I'm sure you don't want to hear the advocate about need to go to a counselor and gain mental help blah blah blah. I get an "A".96 % in psychiatric nursing so I completely become conscious what you are going through, well not completely because I'm not surrounded by your shoes, but have some comprehension of it. Being that you are not asking advice on how to stop individual bulemic or how to get support, we will skip that part of the moralize.I'm sure you know as well as others that it's not moral for you, but what others don't understand is that it is not so glib to stop, even though you are aware of the consequences. But to get to what you are asking, yes have bulimia can cause you to skip a interval. It might have taken your body awhile to confine up to the illness to realize that something is newly not quite right. Having anorexia or bulimia can raison d`??tre missed or irregular periods. Yes they say aloud that underweight women can miss periods and adjectives of that stuff, but overweight and normal solidity women can as well. Also, assuming that you are suffering from this disease, you are probably lower than a lot of stress as economically and that could cause your length to be missed. Having any illnesses (such as what you have) can cause you to miss your time or be late. If you are abiding that you are not pregnant, I'd leave it to the bulimia that's cause the missed periods. However, if your period continue to work funny in the subsequent few months then I'd jump to your doctor and make sure nought else physically is going on. As for the bulimia, I'm sure you know what to do if you decide to attain help. Hope this help and keep within mind, any serious changes contained by your body can cause delay or missed periods. Excessive amounts of stress, CHANGE IN DIET, ILLNESS, adjectives of these things--because they effect the cortisol hormone and all the other hormones surrounded by our body. If our hormones are messed up and not working how they are used to, later your period become's very adjectives to happen. Take consideration of yourself hun and I hope this helps you!

Loestrin 24 and no time of year?

Yes - get support

Ovarian Cyst?

it could be but if your a teenager later that's the more likely inflict. if your worried go to the doc.

How big will my boobs bring back?

i dunno if bulimia can cause it. I know have sex can cause it though.
p.s. bulimia is a mental disorder and you should stop. soon adjectives the stomach acid from throwing up will rot out adjectives your teeth.

Can missing a pill from your birth control pack cause you to spot bleed?

You should not be bullimic. Try going to a counselor. Bullemics usually enjoy liver problems, stomach problems and many others. You are not hearty.

Period Problems!?

the real problem here is that your bulemic.honey you have need of help please attain some. plus your teeth will rot

Is this normal?

having bulimia have several results. one of them is missing your period. is can also verbs your vocal chords and the bin liner of you throat. best i can suggest, talk to someone you trust. your best choice mom, sister, aunt, not bff. friends speak about ya what ya wanna here not always the truth. ps. ya might be pregnant if you are sexually alive. i hope not. if u arent havin sex, sorry.

Whats going on?

yes u alter all yourbody functions and u miss vitamins proteins and carbs and some hormons call for to b activated and excess or smaller quantity vitamin d alters sexual functions stop being at bulimia is really risky ull suffer and ur parents too and u ll die the miss of the period is one of the first big consecuences of it

Girls kinda personal girl q. I dont hold a mom so I have to ask girls on here?

yes. you're depriving your body of nutrients it requests to be healthy. anemia cause by bulimia is not uncommon. please bring back's your energy you are playing with.

Is it ok to lose solidity while being pregent?

omfg.. i am sick of ppl postin crap bout anorexic and bulimic... if u be REALLY one u wouldnt tell anyone bc it is something u coat and its ur own world! GOD! what is it a new trend let pretend to be. bc ana and mia r desies that r mental and cant be controlled.. plz god help these culture!

Question about getting birth control prescribed..?

I have bulimia for 4 years and have be in salvage for 18 months (woohoo). Yes bulimia could be to blame, and probly is. You are doing soo much damage to your body. I didn't realize the strength problems involved until it was too past due, I had to bear medicine simply to swallow food because I was diagnosed beside gastro-esaphagul disease which is a fancy wait to utter the stomache acid ate the bottom of my throat so presently when anythign touches it it hurts really bad. I hold holes in my stomach inside layer (again from the acid) my hair fell out, my finger nail don't grow very upright and they are very brittle (this is recuperating now), really dry skin, and, lastly I was on medication forever jsut to be capable of have a bowel movement. I am solitary 22 years old by the channel. Read some information on bulimia, learn something like it before continuing. If you hold a hard time stopping (which most do) bring some help asap. The doctors told me within was a randomness I would ahve problems getting pregnant now, and immediately that I'm married I'm a little worried. We want like mad of kids, and I'm scared that I may enjoy ruined that.
Like I said, know the stuff. Best of luck to you,
*HUGS* Toni Lynne
PS One of the symptoms of bulimia is weight gain.
The best opening to lose weight is to focus on getting thriving, eat respectable and get some exercise contained by. Good luck again.

Birth control ?

yes ur abusing ur body progress to a therapist or doctor nd they will backing u ASAP

I use the evra contraceptive patch can I postpone my period if I skip the no patch week?

anorexic or bulimic ancestors can miss periods... they can be amenorrheic (absence of have a menstruation period)...

i'm just bothered beside you being bulimic, its not righteous for your health...

Why don't cargo loss pills and birth control mix?

you need facilitate if your bulimic it is something really deadly and serious I wouldn't brag going on for that if I was you
Any form of bad drinking can mess with your interval

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