Why hasent my spell come?

I am a 14 year old womanly. I started my period when i be 12 and it usually comes when its supposed to, but this month it hasent and its time. Yes I am a virgin so i cant be pregnant, and i take vigilance of myself very all right. Does anyone have an explanation?


your childlike yet and your body is still trying to ajust, so it is mundane to have irregular period, if your not having sex next you definatly arent pregnant, so there is zilch to worry almost, enjoy the month sour:)

How please tell me?

Numerous things can crinkle a woman's cycle- anything from stress to a change surrounded by diet. I wouldn't worry going on for it too much. If there's still no sign of it within a few weeks, go see an ob/gyn.

How can you still achieve pregnant by using condoms?

well this happens plentifully. no big deal. enjoy u been intake differently? working out more? something like that.

HELP please?

sometimes you skip a month because of differrent reason. i skip all the time. it could be because of different reason. maybe you've lost greatly of weitght since your last term?

Why is it that during ovulation women lubricate more and are prone to being damp?

This has happen to my sister! You need to see a doctor, because your body think you are pregnant even though you are virgin. The doctor will give your tablets, don't freak out, my sister is absolutley fine.

Could .?

there might be a slight problem that only the Dr can fix for you =check beside Dr to see what should be done =good luck

Im 15, with a B cup size, will my breasts grow anymore?

ok if you be in vigour you may know the process of your pms. it wont always come at one and the same time each month. it may niggardly that your egg is just not fertile even so ussually when the egg is fertile it waits for a few days and save used it will flush out which is your period so dont verbs it will come

Is this an orgasm?

Sometimes with teens it could be exercise or dieting.. if you are really helpful it can sometimes cause you to miss a time of year especially if you have lost freight recently. You may also want to check next to your family dr or see an OBGYN. Just to engender sure it is nothing hormonal. Also alot of childish women see shifts in their cycles. But near any medical issue it's best to check with your dr to be sure.

If i am on birth control but also an antibiotic can i be pregnant and still bring my period?

Have you see the doctor? It could be hormones which are crazy at your age. Also, what's your diet like? Extreme dieting can affect it, as all right. I would make an appt. and find blood work done. The best to you, sweetie.it's not easy man your age but it's also a very fun time! 14 be one of my best years!! :0)

Tampon questions.?

I'm not a doctor, but I know that at hand are a variety of reason that your period my not come in good time. First, you're still young. I also get my first period when I be 12 and it was regular until I be about 16 or 17. At this point I started birth control, and I can usually pinpoint the hours of daylight that my period will start (wonderful to know!). Also, if you are live in sports or working out, this can affect your length as well. Many girls, especially runners, stop have their period. It have to do with the amount of body flabby that you have. Best suggestion that I can give is to walk see a gynecologist. If you're worried about bringing this up to your parents (or merely mother - that's the route I went, somewhat more kind and sympathetic about the topic), luxury their fears by letting them know that you are not sexually active, but that your time of year is irregular and you would like a check up purely to be on the safe side. Also, I believe that doctors presently encourage immature ladies to begin seeing he gynecologist as soon as they bring back their first period. Good luck!

Period and swimming?

Anything can mess up your cycle, especially since you are so childish. If it doesn't come soon, set up an appointment with an ob/gyn.

Doctor voice..its normal!!but its niggle..really!!every month!!?

Possibly stress

I had a hystectomy on June 19. My ovaries be not removed.. After surgery i didnt spot blood but today?

im a virgin to and im 14 if u know what i mean!

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