Are growing pains a myth?
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No it is not a myth some children get them and some don't. I have them, my mother and grandmother had them. And 2 of my four children have them. There isn't much that can be done though other than Advil or motrin, etc. We did own some relief for my youngest son next to Boiron a homeopathic medicine.
It's probably growing pains.
I had them adjectives the time growing up!
Girls only pleez every when do you shave?
No, growing pains are not a myth. Growing pains, are really cramps brought on by the muscle streching to cover the bone. The bones grow first, and the muscle have to catch up to it.nope, they are the actual deal. i have them a lot growing up and presently my daughter gets them. if they other happen surrounded by the same leg and like area, my doc considered necessary to do more investigating, but they are always within different places, so he was fine beside it. he suggested icy hot or ben gay or even one of the unscented ones. it really helped. it help the blood circlulation in the nouns.
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