Why do MEN become Gynecologists?

It's just SICK to me. It freaks me out to suppose about WHY the heck they would want to become one within the first place. I can't think of one logical root why they would pick that job out of the millions of others out at hand. I'm 23 years old and yeah.. I've never be to a gyno... I'm seriously scared out of my mind at the thought of ANYONE touching me down near, and they say MEN are the best gynos and that REALLY get me to thinking... WHY!?!

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Honestly, when a person go to medical school to become a doctor, they don't know what grazing land they will end up specializing in. They adjectives go through deep courses of study and at the end they apply for internships in indubitable fields and they may aplly to 6 or 7 different ones and solitary get official in to 1 or 2. So for the most portion they "fall" into gynecology. It's nearly impossible for a person to set out from the start wanting to be a gynecologist and undertake it. If you ask you'd find well over 90% of ob/gyn's didn't know they be going into that field when they enter medical school.

also, I don't know why and as abnormal as it sounds I actually prefer to own a male ob/gyn. I hold only ever have one female ob/gyn contained by my 19+ years of going, and she was far from my favorite.

Ok, so i hold to know this?

What other career let you look at nooky 8-10 hours a day?

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why do women become urologists or work in sperm bank?

grow up.


1. your answer got what it give... it was a rude request for information. "It's just SICK to me. It freaks me out to focus about WHY the heck they would want to become one within the first place. I can't think of one logical explanation why they would pick that job out of the millions of others out in that." how is THAT little tirade "kind"?

2. if the thought of a man OBGYN is so icky to you, go to a FEMALE gynecologist, after.

3. honestly, if you're that upset about someone touching you "down there", conceivably you should have a doctor do some work on your manager first... methinks you've got serious issues, dear.

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Um. Do you know how oodles women do men's physicals? (checking the balls) And just because he's a man doesn't be going to he's attracted to you. :/

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The Pay

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what a stupid examine!WHY DO YOU THINK MEN BECOME GYNECOLOGITS? you already knew the answer.

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Time travel to roughly speaking 50 years ago and most doctors, including OB- Gyn are male. It's in recent times the way it is. You can hold a female OB- Gyn if you want. When going through med arts school, we could identify on what subject clicks and we just run through that specialty. If the calling is OB- Gyn, why not?

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Why do women want to have sex on their time of year? It makes me sick. Men are the best gynos simply because they are the smartest creatures alive. Women do not pursue this craft as often because it make the women feel self-conscious. a vagina is a natural piece of the body. You nouns like a spoiled suburban girl who wants to trade places with a 23 year aged from Somolia.

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I actually prefer to stir to a male gyno because within my experience so far (I'm 30) they are much more gentle. There are plenty of womanly ones out there that are basically as good though and I wouldn't put it past its sell-by date any longer.

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cus men love ** so there more predictable to pay more attention to small details and every one know if you love your job you will usually do a honourable job

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I know what you anticipate. Or like breast cancer doctors. We should sort it a rule that they cant be any of those. We cant be pro football players, why should they be able to do a living mainly for girls? I other request a women! I have a practical joke though! Why do woman like outdated gyno men?
Because their hands shake. lol

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I NEVER travel to a male gyn. Twice be quite plenty!

They know, clinically, how female parts work, but own no clue what the FEELING is.

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I'm seriously suggesting to you to dance to a female gyn first.It's traumatic ample the first time seeing this kind of doctor consent to alone psyching yourself to have to accord with a strange man getting touchy/ feely beside ya. Go to a female gyn even if you hold to drive far away to see one. You'll be glad that you did. I haven't a clue as to why men decide to become gyns.

Advice please?! =/?

Here within Canada our gynecologists are OBGYN's which means they also deliver babies. I can't believe somebody else didn't devise about this other side of gynecology. I muse it would be pretty neat to deliver a babe now and again and not other have to treaty with STD's, cancer and paps. I think a gynecologist have a pretty diverse job and for a masculine to be a gynecologist he must have some smooth of respect for women since he is helping them out in many different ways.

From my experience, mannish gynecologists are gentler than woman gynecologists. Even my female own flesh and blood doctor recommends masculine gynecologists over women.

Missed periods?

Gynecology can be a lucrative grazing land of study...More men are gynos than women for the same purpose more men are Dr's. Just the way things are historically.

Let me clear up one particularly important entity..Men do not become gynos just to look at stripped women...Remember the vaginas they see are normally sick.Oozing and smelling foul..Trust me in the order of 95 percent of patients are difficult to work on.....I won't even get into the smells.

..I see breasts and vaginas everyday and it ain't no picnic..Most patients I see are old-fashioned or obese or unclean...I do what I do because I trouble about patients and some of my studies steered me towards the grazing land of ob-gyn

PS. most female ob-gyns I know are homosexual.
Don' t verbs about the Drs sex...Worry something like how good they are..

Just an intereresting interview for the girls?

Think about it and you will seize your answer LOL

Anyway though, I personally touch better knowing a MAN is looking in my na-na instead of a woman. I don't know why though...

Who wants to?

I hold two favorite gynecologists in the practice to which I travel. One of them happens to be masculine. The first time I saw him was during my first pregnancy, I be actually planned for a later time near another ob/gyn, however, I had begin to bleed and there be concern.

I was disconcerted about seeing a manly doctor. But it turned out to be the best thing. He be so very compassionate, he be my hero, I was beneath his care when I miscarried. I finished up going to him as my regular gyn afterwards.

Rest assured, men who become gynecologists aren't doing so to get their jollies. They are professionals, and most of them do achievement professionally.
There are good manly and female gyns, and in that are bad manly and female gyns. Gender doesn't event, it has to do next to the care they contribute.

I realize that you've never been see by a gyn, and that's okay. But you needn't slam a man for being a gyn. Perhaps you have a bad experience?

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